Evolve Your Pokemon For Lower Candy Cost With Pokemon GO's New Announcement

Evolve Your Pokemon For Lower Candy Cost With Pokemon GO's New Announcement
Evolve Your Pokemon For Lower Candy Cost With Pokemon GO's New Announcement Pokemon Go

On Jan. 10, Niantic has announced a huge bulletin for all PoGo players out there.

A new batch of Pokemon from the Unova region is now ready to be caught in the wild, and at the same time, Trade Evolution is also waiting to be adapted on the game.

New Batch of Pokemon Unlocked!

Since its already 2020 and Pokemon GO seemed to forgotten to update their Pokemon list for more pocket monsters to catch on the wild, the augmented reality mobile game is now surely excited for the start of 2020 with this year's new unlocked batch of Pokemon available to be caught on the wild and on raids.

If you are looking for these sets of Pokemon to be seen on the game, this is your lucky day to go out and 'catch 'em all.'

List of Pokemon Available in the Wild, Raids, and Eggs

Pocket monsters like Roggenrole, Tympole, Dwebble, Trubbish, Karrablast, Joltik, Shelmet, and many more are set to be yours today once you visit wild areas. At the same time, Pokemon Timburr will also be available in the one-star raids.

According to Niantic, there are also Pokemon that will come from various sizes of eggs.

  • 2 km Eggs: Venipede and Dwebble
  • 5 km Eggs: Roggenrola, Tympole, Trubbish, Karrablast, Joltik, and Shelmet
  • 10 km Eggs: Timburr, Tirtouga, Archen, and Axew

Evolve Your Pokemon With Only Low Cost of Candy

If you are an ultimate Pokemon fan, you will know that the game feature called Trade Evolution has been one of the iconic traits of the game franchises.

Luckily, Pokemon GO is now ready to adapt the same feature for all PoGo players out there looking to trade and evolve their pocket monsters instantly and more cheaply possible.

As mentioned by Niantic, here's how Trade Evolution works on the game.

If you currently own Pokemon, such as Kadabra, Machoke, Graveler, and Haunter, you now have the chance to evolve them for lesser candy costs through trading.

"If you received one of these Pokémon in a trade in the past-congratulations! That Pokémon will retroactively qualify for no Candy cost when you evolve it," added by Niantic.

Meanwhile, if your set of pocket monsters are Boldore, Gurdurr, Karrablast, and Shelmet that were originally discovered in the new Unova region, you can use the trade Evolution benefits and choose them to fight in your next battle parties to visit soon.

Unlocked: Regional Exclusive Pokemon

Aside from all these new and awesome announcements from Niantic, another much-awaited new set of exclusive regional Pokemon are now available around the world. Here's the list based on the announcement:

  • North America, South America, and Africa: Throh (also available in 10 km Eggs)
  • Europe, Asia, and Australia: Sawk (also available in 10 km Eggs)
  • Southern United States, Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and South America: Maractus
  • Egypt and Greece: Sigilyph
  • Eastern hemisphere: Red-Striped Form Basculin
  • Western hemisphere: Blue-Striped Form Basculin

It looks like all PoGo players will surely enjoy this year's new surprising events featured on Pokemon GO, so make sure you'll make this count!

ALSO READ: [POKÉMON GO GUIDE] Doing 'The Take-Over Continues' Special Research? Here's What You Need To Know

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