During the Pokemon Direct yesterday, Nintendo revealed a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team remake called Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX for the Nintendo Switch.
It's a remake of the Blue and Red Rescue Team games in the Nintendo DS, and would feature the same mechanics, story, and lovable Pokemon, but with an updated graphics and audio quality.
The game will be released this March 2020, but you could play the demo now and pre-purchase the game if you want to.
Getting Your Starter
The demo lets you play the first chapter of the game and would allow you to carry over your save data to the full game once purchased. As it was in the original game, the remake also has a personality quiz at the start of the game to determine your starter Pokemon. Depending on your answers, you could get one of the sixteen Pokemon available:
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Chikorita
- Cubone
- Cyndaquil
- Eevee
- Machop
- Meowth
- Mudkip
- Pikachu
- Psyduck
- Skitty
- Squirtle
- Torchic
- Totodile
- Treecko
Once you've gotten your starter, you will be asked to choose a partner Pokemon. Unlike in the original games, this time, you can choose any of the starter Pokemon above as your partner.
The Quiz
The personality quiz is a bit random, but it's meant to assess your personality to give you an appropriate Pokemon to represent you in-game. But there's a method in answering the questions if you really want to get a particular Pokemon as your starter. The quiz has all the same questions from Pokemon Red and Blue, and follows the same formula, which you may see here.
Basically, each answer gives you points towards a particular nature. At the end of the quiz, the nature with the most points will become your Pokemon's nature, and your Pokemon will be chosen based on that nature. For example, when I took the quiz, I got the Jolly type, which gave me Pikachu.
Choosing Your Own Starter
Thankfully, you don't have to be stuck with a Pokemon you don't want if the results of the quiz don't please you. The game will ask you to confirm the results of the quiz, and you could say 'no' to the Pokemon the quiz gives you. I didn't want Pikachu as my starter, so I declined and chose Cyndaquil instead.
Choosing The Right Partner
In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, you form a Rescue Team with a partner Pokemon. You could choose any Pokemon from the same pool of starters, but you should also choose carefully to make things easy for you. Here are some tips on how to choose the right partner in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon:
1. Cover Your Weakness
Your Pokemon will have a weakness, and it will be tough for you to beat the game if you have to fight those Pokemon by yourself. Your partner won't be much help if both of you share the same weaknesses. Cover your weaknesses with your partner Pokemon to help you progress through the game.
2. Pick One That Could Fight Flying Types
The dungeons are filled with flying type Pokemon. If your starter isn't capable of dealing with them easily, then you should pick a partner that could take care of them on its own.
3. Never Pick the Same Type
Once your Pokemon could cover one type effectively, there's no reason for you to pick a partner that will cover the same typing. That's why if you're already a fire type, there's no benefit in getting another fire type as your partner.