Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) Gadgets on CES 2020 That Will Definitely Catch Your Attention

Consumer Electronics Show or CES 2020 targets to showcase various gadgets and technology from the most well-known companies up to startups aiming to be known in the industry.

Since Jan. 7, a lot of these gadgets were already featured on different online websites-- making them more famous over time.

As scheduled, we only have one day left before CES 2020 officially ends on Jan. 10. Have you already seen something worthy to be grabbed on the market? Unfortunately, only some of them might enter the marketplace soon enough. Still, there's nothing wrong with giving them recognition, especially when these gadgets tend to be too odd for our tastes.

Top Seven Devices That Caught Your Attention on CES 2020

Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far
Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far Alienware

Alienware's 'Concept UFO' -- PROTOTYPE ONLY

First on our list is Alienware's new gaming console termed 'Concept UFO.' According to Alienware, this gaming device is powered by Windows 10 operating system that can play PC games with its handheld controllers on the side. What's interestingly familiar with this device is its design that seemed to be inspired to one of the most in-demand gaming console worldwide, the Nintendo Switch.

This is the reason why most tech experts talked about 'Concept UFO' as 'ripping off' the original design of Switch's gaming display and function. However, on other reports, Alienware already explained that they are not copying Switch's, and this is all just coincidence.

ALSO READ: Proofs That Alienware's 'Concept UFO' Did Not Copied Nintendo Switch Design

Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far
Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far Petit Qoobo

Headless Cat for Individuals That Have Cat Allergies-- SOON ON THE MARKET

Have you seen an alive headless cat before? If not, CES 2020 will give you a glimpse of what this looks like.

Yukai Engineering, a Japanese company, unveiled another set of their headless cat on the event called 'Petit Qoobo.'

Petit Qoobo is different compared to its predecessor, which was also released back in 2017. This is a much smaller and portable headless cat that aims to provide real-life cat experiences to individuals that have strong allergies on these furry companions.

Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far
Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far Come Play


This year's CES can be quite different from last year's as Consumer Technology Association or CTA now re-allowed companies to feature sex toys or items on their show.

Come Play, a company of adult toys developer introduced this said 'most comfortable and wearable vibrator' for all the ladies out there. It was also termed as 'a truly hands-free vibrator' that can make women feel orgasm during sex every five minutes.

As of now, the company is still looking for funding on the website which currently has over $6,000.

Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far
Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far Samsung

Samsung's Invisible Keyboard-- STILL PROTOTYPE

One of the main highlights of Samsung company during the earlier days of CES 2020 is its released prototype of the AI-powered invisible keyboard dubbed as "SelfieType."

This invisible keyboard will use the device's camera to track your hand when typing. For those people that are not yet familiar with the QWERTY keyboard, this device may not be suitable for you since you will see no letters on the keyboard, obviously showing its invisibility.

Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far
Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far Segway


Are you a fan of X-Men, specifically Professor X? Or have you seen the film 'Wall-E'?

If all your answers are yes, you might love to try this Segway S-Pod that was first featured at CES. This vehicular service has allegedly can speed up to 24 miles per hour and set to be released in the second half of 2020.

Unlike other similar vehicular devices, this Segway S-Pod can be controlled not by your body but through a joystick controller.

Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far
Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far Samsung

Samsung's Sero Vertical TV -- SOON ON MARKET

Samsung had introduced another odd device on this year's CES, the Sero Vertical Television.

Just like how it sounds, this television device can be converted to vertical TV, just like smartphones. It will automatically pivot between a vertical and horizontal screen that can be connected to your smartphones for easier watching on the comfort of your home.

This 43'' screen TV is set to be on the market soon after its grand reveal on the event.

Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far
Top 7 Weird (Yet Interesting) CES 2020 Gadgets You've Seen So Far Samsung

Samsung's Ballie -- PROTOTYPE ONLY

For the last item on our list, Samsung has proven that they are about to offer more interesting gadgets soon on the market, especially with this tennis ball-like robot named 'Ballie.'

Samsung said that this device can "understand you, support you, and reacts to your needs" through its small built-in camera.

This device also has a built-in system that has the ability to control your home the way you wanted it to be.

ALSO READ: CES 2020: 5G Phones Won't Be The Main Topic of CES 2020, But 5G Everything Else Will

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