[GAMER’S GUIDE]: How to Evolve Honedge, Doublade, and Aegislash in Pokémon Sword and Shield, Plus More Tips

Aegislash Pokémon
Aegislash Pokémon Source: Bulbapedia
Honedge, Doublade, and Aegislash
Honedge, Doublade, and Aegislash Source: Bulbapedia

Evolving species is among the top features of any Pokémon game. In both the Pokémon Sword and Shield games, avid fans know that half the battle of evolving Pokémons is actually knowing where to find them.

In this handy gamer's guide, you'll learn how to evolve the steel/ghost-type Pokémon Doublade from Honedge or into Aegislash.

How to Evolve Honedge Into Doublade

Honedge Pokémon
Honedge Pokémon Source: Bulbapedia

If you're looking to catch an Aegislash, the easiest way is to start with an Honedge, evolve it into Doublade, and then level up to get the dual-type Pokémon.

Luckily for Pokémon Sword and Shield players, the Honedge isn't too difficult to spot in the game. All you have to do is head over to the Wild Area and find the Hammerlocke Hills, where there's a 44% chance of catching a Honedge.

However, weather conditions in the area can be a bit of a problem. When going out in the wild, make sure to come out when it's foggy to maximize your chance of encountering this Pokémon. If it's not foggy, you might have to wait for a snowstorm where your chances of seeing a Honedge drastically drops to 15%.

To evolve your Pokémon to Doublade, you just need to get to level 35 and the evolution will automatically commence.

How to Evolve Doublade Into Aegislash

Doublade Pokémon
Doublade Pokémon Source: Bulbapedia

There are two steps to begin your Doublade evolution. First, you can follow the previous instructions and catch a Honedge first. Second, you can go straight to trying to catch a Doublade, although the chances of you encountering this Pokémon in the wild is low.To commence the evolution, first, find a Dusk Stone and then apply it to Doublade to evolve it into Aegislash.

PLAYING TIPS: Where to Find Doublade and Aegislash

Aegislash Pokémon
Aegislash Pokémon Source: Bulbapedia

For those who want to go all the way, you can skip the evolutions and proceed to hunt down Doublade or Aegislash in the wild.

Depending on the version you're playing, you can find Doublade in the Lake of Outrage and Giant's Cap, among other places. For Pokémon Sword players, the species are in Watchtower Ruins; for Pokémon Shield players, they're in the Stony Wilderness. Remember to go out during a snowstorm for a 25% chance of spotting a Doublade.

Meanwhile, Aegislash, although a rare sight, can be found at the Giant's Cap and the Watchtower Ruins.

More Pokémon Sword and Shield News

In case you missed it: the Pokémon Company is offering a handful of freebies to fans and Trainers. Until Jan. 15, you can download rare Poke Balls and claim a free Gigantamax Meowth.

Meanwhile, Sword and Shield players have until Jan. 30 to claim 20 Battle Points, a special kind of currency that you can earn by competing in the Battle Tower. You can use your Battle Points to buy special items, like nature-changing mints and other equipment for your Pokémon.

To claim your freebie, select "Mystery Gift" from the menu screen, choose "Get a Mystery Gift," click Select "Get Gift via Code/Password," follow the prompts to connect online, and then input the download code G1GANTAMAX when prompted. Again, this freebie can be claimed until Jan. 30 only, so hurry!

RELATED LINK: Pokémon Sword and Shield Guide: Farm EXP Candy, Hatching Shiny Pokémon, and Getting Evolution Stones

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