You Should've Done This If You Wanna Deliver Cookies to Raid Boss in Destiny 2-- Like a Piece of Cake
(Photo : Steam ) You Should've Done This If You Wanna Deliver Cookies to Raid Boss in Destiny 2-- Like a Piece of Cake

Released on Sept. 6, 2017, Destiny 2 has been garnering various positive feedback from most of the fans of action-shooting video games worldwide. And if you are one of those ultimate gamers of Destiny 2, we have great news for you!

Since the game recently launched its holiday event named 'The Dawning' that is live on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, a lot of Destiny 2 players begin questioning how things will work out well on the game's various challenging tasks. One example of these challenges is the fact that the game aims its gamers to deliver a certain baked treat for the raid bosses that they will encounter along with the wintry weather on the Dawning. 

The term 'Raid Boss' is a frightening name if you want to deliver those sweet treats and still have your body parts intact with you. However, as a gamer, you need to do it for you to finish the remaining tasks. The only question will be, how can you do it? 

Meet 'Riven' from Destiny 2 

Among all the many decorations and snowballs you can see at the Dawning, one thing that is brought to life in the game is the villainous character of 'Riven of a Thousand Voices', the final boss of the Last Wish raid. And if we say the final boss of the raid, there's always a huge warning align to its name before you get to encounter with him-- if you do not know what you're about to do. 

Since we love to see you accomplish your game, why not list down these steps-- you must do first-- before doing a reckless suicide on meeting with the Riven?

Steps To Follow If You Want To Deliver Those Dawning Cookies

Thanks to the Wishing Wall, you don't need to finish all raids-- that requires six players-- to meet Riven. According to Gamespot, to get to Riven, here are the steps to follow:

  • Enter the first room inside the Last Wish raid on the Director map of the Dreaming City
  • Listen to Riven's monologue and head through the hole in the left wall until you reach the Kalli encounter 
  • Jump across the pool to the left to find a path of ledges you can climb up to a hidden room that houses the Wishing Wall 
  • Shoot the right combination to the emblems on the wall to create a specific pattern: the Seventh Wish 
  • Once your combination is right, go to the circular plate on the ground to get teleported to the encounter with Riven 
  • Head over to the circular plate to the right and stand on it to get sent downward to the actual fight with Riven. 
  • When you arrive, don't fight him (obviously) 
  • By then, you'll see a small blue snowflake-like projection on the floor near the feet of Riven. 
  • You can now activate it and deliver the cookie 

What Will Happen To Destiny 2 Once PS5 and Xbox Series X Arrive?

Although the challenge with Riven seemed easy, another challenge for Destiny 2 players is the fact that Destiny 2 might be getting its 'Destiny 3' or something, as per Forbes. 

Since the main consoles of the game, like Playstation and Xbox, are introducing a new set of consoles at the end of 2020, many are baffled on whether they will still be allowed to play the game even with the upcoming PS5 and Xbox Series X on the line. Will there be another franchise to watch out, or are we about to do some cross-save on the game? Still, the answer lies in Sony and Microsoft. 

ALSO READ: How to get Destiny 2's Season of Dawn Perfect Paradox Shotgun 

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