The year 2019 is about to end for the next couple of hours. For most Pokemon Go players, the year 2019 is a blast of a various come back for a stronger set of pocket monsters and different Niantic surprises that blew their minds as the year passed by.
However, just like what Arianna Grande said, 'Thank you, next!.' And through Pokemon Go's 2020 announcement released recently, it is pretty sure that you will love what are about to happen on the next year.
What To Expect on Pokemon Go 2020? A Lot!
Can't get enough of playing Pokemon Go? Make sure you're ready for the next year to come with lots of surprises, according to Niantic.
New Special Research to Watch out!
Did you think that Pokemon GO 2020 will just let go of your battle against Team Rocket? No freaking way!
That is why for January, Niantic will roll out another Special Research program to help Professor Willow and your team leaders to fully succeed in winning against the team of Giovanni and saving another Legendary Pokémon: the Shadow Moltres. Beware, though, Team Go Rocket never stops on their goal to defeat all your Pokemon, so it is your responsibility as a PoGo player to boost your team in 2020.
Win a Lapras Through Achieving Research Breakthrough
Since January will be another month to take in Pokemon Go, a new set of prizes are ready to be yours in 2020. This includes the water- and ice-type pocket monster Lapras. What's more interesting is that Lapras can also have either Ice Shard or Ice Beam moves that were seen only back in 2018. So if you did not receive that price at the time, make sure you make this count-- starting on Jan. 1, 2020 up to Feb. 1, 2020, at 1 PM PST.
Hatchathon is back!
Starting on Jan. 2 up to Jan. 16, 2020, keep up to your pocket monster peeps as the Adventure Sync Hatchathon event is set to return on these dates. Be ready to be rewarded with tons of other surprises like extra Stardust, Rare Candies, and an Unova Stone if you walk a certain distance.
You will also encounter Pokemon in the wild while most of them are dressed up with party hats!
The Return of Heatran on Pokemon Go Raids!
We've seen how powerful comebacks from Pokemon Go had just blown the minds of PoGo players. However, Pokemon Go's surprise for 2020 just started the year right as they announced that Legendary Pokemon Heatran will return on five-star raids from Jan. 7 to Feb. 4 at 1 PM PST. Not only that, but Niantic also shared that players can have a chance to encounter Heatran with its shiny form!
Mystery Unova Region-based Pokemon Soon!
If you're not yet satisfied with all these surprises, no worries, Pokemon Go is currently teasing its players with its last announcement saying that more Pokemon originally discovered in the Unova region is 'rumored' to be on their way to the mobile game. Maybe we'll just have to wait for the next month to fully know the details behind it.
Let us be thankful for 2019 and meet the stronger 2020 on Pokemon Go!