You Can Now Name Your Favorite PokéStops and Pokémon Go Gyms Whatever You Like

You Can Now Name Your Favorite PokéStops and Pokémon Go Gyms Whatever You Like
You Can Now Name Your Favorite PokéStops and Pokémon Go Gyms Whatever You Like Screenshot from: Pokemon Go Youtube Account

Winning a Pokemon Battle in a gym is never an easy task. It requires lots of patience, determination, and a powerful set of pocket monsters. So once you won in a gym battle, the gym will be automatically yours to keep until another rival comes in your way. But until then, what really makes the gym yours? How about naming it based on your preference? Yup! You can do it now.

Not just Pokemon Go gyms though, even your favorite PokeStops.

Customize Your PokeStops and Pokemon Go Gyms With Your Own Idea

Since Pokemon Go is built on making its players tour around the world-- or just around your neighborhood-- the aim to discover more places that have secret Pokemons on the corner is a must. So once you're in a place wherein it is not yet too crowded with other PoGo trainers, its a great feeling to have it named first. And you can do it now whenever and wherever you are on the planet.

According to Niantic's press release-- one of the developers of Pokemon Go, players can now have the ability to contribute to the game's creatives team to name PokeStops and Pokemon Go gyms around the world. Not just that, but players can also provide suggestions that will be directly sent to the Pokemon Go team for them to approve it or not.

Hold on First! It is Still Up For Approval

Although players can now name their discovered places in the game, there are still protocols and guidelines that players must follow when it comes to naming the places. For starters, not each player of Pokemon Go has the authority to name Pokemon Go places.

You have to be able to be on level 40 or higher levels to suggest names. Aside from that, players that reached level 40 can also report invalid PokeStops and gyms that do not follow the game's protocols.

Another reminder is that the Pokemon Go team can approve not all names that pop in your head. Although Niantic appreciates creativity in naming different places in the game, the official local languages are still more appreciated and have a higher chance of approval.

Also, players cannot name the places after their team names, real names of the players, or even the trainer nicknames. You can also only suggest names when there's no yet official titles of the places.

Other Rules and Guidelines in Naming Pokemon Go Places

These are the other rules to follow, according to Niantic Support:

  • Provide exact locations whenever possible; we prefer having PokéStops and Gyms right on top of the real-world objects they represent.
  • Avoid suggesting locations that are dangerous or within inaccessible areas, like private residences or schools.

Guidelines for Photos

  • Take a clear photo. The easier it is to see what you're submitting, the easier it can be evaluated. Take photos at a reasonable distance from the object and with suitable lighting.
  • Low-quality photos might be rejected (i.e. pitch-black photos, blurry photos, or photos taken from a car).
  • Avoid submitting photos that aren't yours or contain identifiable people or faces.

ALSO READ: Pokémon GO Holidays 2019 Event: End the Year Strong With These Special Gifts From Niantic

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