![[UPDATE] Is Uninstalling ToTok Safe or a Racist Idea? ToTok Team Says Spying Issues Are 'Deranged'](https://d.techtimes.com/en/full/360019/update-uninstalling-totok-safe-racist-idea-totok-team-says-spying-issues-are-deranged.png?w=836&f=40f7cd79af1ab1bcb6372db7e04396c2)
On Dec. 22, a New York Times article was published regarding the issue of a video and messaging app that was 'allegedly' a spying tool from the United Arab Emirates. This app is called 'ToTok.' The app already gained millions of users from the UAE. Also, it was recognized as one of the most downloadable apps in December in the United States. With the rapid growth of ToTok users, a warning was suddenly published by NYT saying that people who downloaded the app must delete it right away, or else their data can be compromised.
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This warning became a worldwide issue that not only Americans paid attention to but even countries near the US. With this, Google Play Store and Apple App Store decided to erase the said app to their online market in order to prevent the wider spread of the messaging app.
However, it seemed like a lot of ToTok users, and even Apple and Google made a huge mistake with the said controversy. Since the issue, ToTok remained silent but now decided to make a statement regarding what they called 'deranged' allegations against their company.
'ToTok' Talks and Defends Company
On Dec. 23, a day after the said NYT article was published, ToTok immediately explained and defended the rumors that their app was used as a 'spying tool' on its users. According to their website, the said allegations were pure 'shameful misinformation' that their 'distractors' have been using to pin down the growth of ToTok.
Regarding the issue of being a 'spying tool' for the Emiratis, ToTok said that a former NSA employee had already concluded that their app "simply does what it claims to do, and really nothing more... no exploits, no backdoors, and no malware."
ToTok also added that what the article suggests on its readers was an 'absurd suggestion' since they clarify that every information that they get from their users were completely controlled by the users--disregarding what NYT said that they are getting personal information and even locations from their users.
If you will visit the website of ToTok, you will see that the app is just like an ordinary social messaging app without any charges and offers free unlimited calls for its users. It even claimed as having a 'fast, free, and secure' features.
So how come this app became a security threat, and what does this imply?
Is it Racist or Not?
Since the issue, a lot of other speculations were showed online, especially with Emiratis. A lot of the citizens said that Google and Apple have been turning a blind eye to what 'spying tool' really means for people-- especially that Facebook and other social media apps had their issues of gathering information without the owner's approval.
"The Westerners propaganda. ToTok is owned by UAE and they use it to spy on you. TikTok is owned by China and they use it to spy on you. FaceApp is owned by Russia and they use it to spy on you. What about #facbooke & all the other app's?" tweeted by @srkarb.
"Message received: any communication app gains popularity and not controlled by the US will get blocked .. Apple and Google sent negative messages to this region by blocking Totok. We need to have our own platform that protects our data within GCC borders," tweeted by @Adcybergeek
In the end, ToTok remained confident that Apple and Google will stay on their side and return their app to their online stores.