Is dating at work a good idea?
Surely, you've heard your fair share of horror stories on the topic. But there actually are a lot of potential benefits of dating someone at work, too.
Don't get us wrong, though. You're still right to be very, very afraid because those horror stories you heard are probably all true.
So, to help you sort out this conundrum, we've written you this guide to dating at work. Before you leap into that relationship, look through these pros and cons of dating a coworker.
Pros of Dating at Work
Here are the many benefits of dating someone you've had your eye on at work.
1. The Ice Is Already Broken
When dating a coworker, you automatically have some common ground to build off of. Your job is an easy conversation topic you can both relate to and sympathize with.
It's also an easy excuse to get to know the person you like. You will naturally and automatically become more familiar with each other through your job.
For these reasons, sharing a job makes it very easy to start and grow a relationship.
2. Work Is So Much Better
If work were enjoyable, they'd call it leisure. But what if your workday included spending all day with your favorite person in the world? Now that's a work perk.
3. More Time Together
Plus, this also means you get to spend more time together than other couples. Granted, waiting in line for the copier together isn't exactly a date. But, at least, you don't have to wait until you get home to vent about your frustrating paper jam fiasco.
4. Work Stays at Work
Speaking of work stories, other couples spend a good portion of their time telling each other how their day went. You two don't have to do that. You already know because you spent the day together.
Now, when you get home, you can spend more time on far more enjoyable activities.
5. Teamwork Experience
One of the best benefits of dating a coworker is that you learn to work well together. A lot of couples don't get that.
They enjoy a lot of dates together. But they have no experience working as partners.
When life happens and they need to work through a problem as a couple, they might not be able to. It could kill the relationship.
But when you share a job with your partner, you work with them all the time. You have the rare opportunity to build up your teamwork skills daily so you can rely on them when it counts.
Cons of Dating at Work
So far, this all seems just peachy. That's why it's extremely important that you finish reading the rest of this article and the near-deadly-serious warnings therein.
1. You're Fired
Or, at least, you might be. If your job does not allow employees to date each other, don't do it.
If you do, you're risking your livelihood for someone you might break up with in a month anyway.
2. From a Blessing to a Curse
Remember how great we said it would be to work with your beloved partner? Now, picture working with your bitter ex. After all, not every coworker romance leads to a diamond engagement ring from www.rockher.com.
The ones that crash and burn usually lead to bad blood. And that plus work equals an unbearable nightmare you can't wake up from.
3. No Escape
Wanting to spend every second together is the hallmark of a new relationship. When that fades, and it will, you and your partner are stuck together regardless-all day, every day.
4. Work Still Sucks
That common ground could become the common bane of your dual existence. The shared experience of "couples' data entry" doesn't exactly stoke the dating flame. Then, soon enough, your leisure time with your partner only reminds you of fluorescent lighting, cubicles, and the smell of warm computers.
5. You're Still Fired
Even if your job does allow you two to date, your relationship drama could spill over into the workplace. This can cause poor work performance and other issues that could result in disciplinary action against you.
6. Work Drama
Vice versa, your work drama could affect your relationship. If one of you is unreliable at work the other could become bitter. Or you could end up competing with each other over a promotion.
Date Responsibly
The crucial thing to remember about dating at work is to do so carefully and responsibly. That goes for the work front and the relationship front.
Be careful not to embitter your partner because it will affect your workday. And do a good job at work so it doesn't cause problems in your relationship. Most important of all, check your job's policy on dating before you even consider it.
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