Are you a team Pokemon or team Digimon? If you can't choose on whether which team, why not try both of them? "But, it is impossible!" Oh, it's possible in Pokemon Sword and Shield.
You Will Not Believe This Pokemon and Digimon Crossover
If you're a fan of either these two famous Japanese franchises-- Pokemon and Digimon, it's pretty sure that you might have already been on a debate on which is the best among the two. And since that issue has been going on over the years, a player from Pokemon Sword and Shield had an idea in order to stop the argument on this issue. Why not stop arguing and try both of their characters in one game?

According to the website Game Banana, a Pokemon Sword and Shield player named 'Hollow' recently tried out an interesting mix of characters from Pokemon and Digimon. According to the video released by the player 'Hollow,' he was playing Sword and Shield when he downloaded an Agumon skin to be replaced on his whole Charmander family.
It is known for all fans of Digimon that Agumon is one of the anime's best characters, which can evolve into four different characters in the game while Charmander is also one of the most known characters from the Pokemon series.
Once 'Hollow' introduced this kind of mixture set up in the Pokemon world, a lot of players thought this as a brilliant idea since even the effects of the character were very detailed-- making it look like an original character from Pokemon.
"No way, a full model mod! I'm not into Digimon but the potential this has for the future is exciting," posted @wiard.
"I deadass don't even like Digimon, but this mod is objectively incredible. Credit where credit is due, man. Great job!" posted by @Nai Birbduck.
Agumon, Greymon, MetalGreymon, and WarGreymon in Pokemon Sword and Shield

If you think that Pokemon and Digimon crossover might not work, you are wrong. In fact, with Hollow's explanation, the game remained to be based on Digimon's character names-- even when evolving. With his video, you can see Agumon transformed into Greymon; Greymon into MetalGreymon; and MetalGreymon to WarGreymon. Who said this is impossible?
Pokemon vs. Digimon Battle
According to an article in CBR, it was mentioned that though Pokemon has an outstanding performance and fame compared to Digimon over the last few years, Digimon still won in some categories.
For example, Digimon had a better anime storyline compared to Pokemon. As explained, Digimon characters like Matt and Tai have their backgrounds and motivations with their actions on the story. Aside from this, Digimon was said to have more awesome monster transformation compared to Pokemon since most of their monsters have way more various evolutions. Still, having Digimon in a Pokemon battle, that's interesting, right?