After 24 long and much-awaited years, the iconic 'The Far Side' comics was no longer on their farthest side as the legendary cartoonist, Gary Larson, launched the comic strip's very first and official website-- created for comic maniacs all over the world.
The 'Cow Tools' is Now Online
In Dec. 17, Gary Larson officially opened the comic strip's online website called 'The Far Side' wherein tons of Larson's creations can be viewed and read online. The website debuted with a selection of the classic cartoons, doodles from Larson himself-- that are said to be updated every day-- and a message of why he was 'super late' to launched his works on the online world. As of now, the website only has its website page of 'The Daily Dose' wherein the iconic comic collections from Larson's past works are accessible to read online.
However, starting next year-- as promised by Larson-- he will soon input some of his freshest and latest strips of The Far Side. This also means that Larson will have his comeback in the comic industry in 2020 after his shocking retirement in 1995.
What's 'The Far Side'?
The comic strip 'The Far Side' is already on its 40th anniversary since its first launching in the year 1979. So if we compute that on a digital age, most people in this generation might not know what the fuss going on with 'The Far Side' coming online is. Kids, here's why.
Gary Larson, the main cartoonist of the comic strip, released 'The Far Side' back on Dec. 31, 1979, up to his retirement date of Jan. 1, 1995. Back then, comic strips were such as a hit that Larson's creations were sold for over 40 million copies, included in over 1,900 daily newspapers, written in 23 compilation books, collected into 77 million calendars and greeting cards, and translated with over 17 languages around the globe.
The major hit of Larson's comic became worldwide because of the cartoon's different style of showing 'surrealistic' humor involving animals and nature facing various improbable situations or even bizarre disasters.
This content of Larson was appreciated worldwide that when he retired from doing comics-- since he felt simple fatigue and fear-- the comics still reigned as one of the top cartoons in the world, gaining other illegal online websites offering the works of Larson.
What Took You So Long, Larson?
"[Y]ears ago, when I slowly started realizing I had a second publisher and distributor of my work, known as Anyone With a Scanner & Associates, I did find it unsettling enough to write an open letter to 'whom it may concern,' explaining - best as I could - why I preferred that the people doing this would kindly refrain," written by Larson.
Since the online world has no access to the comic strips of 'The Far Side' back then, a lot of similar websites distributed his works online-- making Larson furious on the online world. However, with the help of his publishers, Larson is now ready to gain back his fans with his official website.
"So I'm hopeful this official website will help temper the impulses of the infringement-inclined. Please, whoever you are, taketh down my cartoons and let this website become your place to stop by for a smile, a laugh, or a good ol' fashioned recoiling. And I won't have to release the Krakencow," said Larson.