The E-gaming industry is booming in today's world thanks to the rapid advancement in technology. The online gaming domain has become an entire profession on its own and the masses are naturally attracted to it due to its potential. Now the growing popularity is bound to attract interests and as the heads turn towards this field, it gives rise to a number of myths and confusions regarding gaming requirements. The core demand of every gamer would be a seamless gameplay, be it online and offline. It is therefore important that certain requirements are met in order for them to enjoy playing in the most proper ways.
In this article, we will debunk some of the popular myths about online gaming requirements and also highlight certain confusions that are actually true regarding E-Gaming. Feeling excited to see what comes next? Then let us begin!
High Bandwidth and Fast Internet is a must for gaming - just a myth
The most common belief regarding online gaming is that its performance is entirely based on high-speed internet. That isn't actually the case. A dependable connection will definitely cover the basics but your gameplay in also affected by the number of devices connected to your internet and the type of online activities they are engaged in. The same connection could offer you a marvelous ping in Dota 2 for the perfect dominating streak while being super messy that your fps struggle a lot depending on the various activities performed over it.
You will be quite surprised to know that the general gaming requirement rarely exceeds 0.5 MB. All you need is stability in your connection. Dedicated routers available these days can largely help you in this regard as they can prioritize activities thus ensuring that you get a seamless bandwidth. Dependable ISP's like Cox boost over the stability of their internet connectivity and in actuality, they do tend to perform significantly better than most competitors. You can easily go through the Cox internet plans and check if an option suits your needs.
Internet pings are quite important for your gaming needs as these represent the time delay of data between your device and the ISP. A stable ping is bound to give you a better response time thus offering you the perfect platform for competitive gaming streaks. Good ISP's in your local vicinity can largely help you in this regard as well.
A lot of data will be consumed by online gaming activities - just a myth
When people believe that a very strong connection is required for gaming activities, they naturally tend to think that online gaming will consume a major chunk of their monthly data. Well, you would be glad to know that this is just a myth unless you need to download a large number of files to get started with a new game. Such a case will definitely require GB's of downloads for graphic extensive games.
Online gaming just requires a stable bandwidth and even a moderate connection with minimal data packages can let you play your favorite game comfortably over the span of a month. People often have songs streaming in the background over YouTube or some other channel and those high-res videos are the actual objects draining your data. Games like Counterstrike and Dota 2 usually consume around 75-150 Mb's of data over an hours' session that is quite a nominal. Not just that, multiple users can enjoy seamless gaming over a shared broadband connection in most cases. Just make sure that your package data doesn't become a victim to significant downloads and streaming, and you are good to go!
The type of connection used directly affects your gameplay - absolutely true
Various types of internet connection have different effects on your online gaming connectivity. Dial-up connections are a thing of the past so we will not be discussing those here rather lets shed a light on how some of the current modes of connectivity affect your gaming activities.
DSL lines have long been used for connectivity now that employ telephone cables to connect to the internet. The download speeds offered over these mediums can range up to 6-7Mbps, which is sufficient for your routine online activities. But the issue arises when there are multiple users on the same connection, and that DSL connection becomes starts struggling, which results in fluctuating pings.
The cable is the most commonly used medium for gaming activities these days. It uses cable wires rather than the DSL ones which are much more capable. The speeds over these connections can go up to 300Mpbs and this is much more than what you require for seamless connectivity. Even a low tier option of around 50Mbps is more than enough to satisfy your gaming needs, but make sure to prioritize gaming as your activity over the connectivity as to avoid any contingencies.
Fiber is the most mode of connectivity these days particularly for gamers. There are generally two ways through which fiber reaches the end-user which is the gaming device in this case. the first method is fiber to the premises (FTTC), which employs fiber cables that connect to the green box outside your homes from where copper cables bring the internet to your home. These connections can cause problems since the speeds can vary based on the distance between the modems and the boxes outside your home. You will also experience lesser upload speeds in comparison to downloading based on the asymmetrical connectivity.
The other option is FTTP (fiber to the premises) and this is actually the most dependable option out there. It is also referred to as a pure fiber connection. There are no fiber cables involved in such an assembly and it resultantly it offers you the same amount of download and upload speeds which by the way are almost 10 times formidable than the average FTTC connection.
Hopefully, this article helps you understand your online gaming needs a bit better and help you in choosing or changing your current ISP if needs be. A number of hardware and software components can also affect your gaming sessions so be sure to take those into account as well. Sometimes, your internet connection might be sufficient enough and it's rather the hardware components that need the upgradation. With that being said, we wish you the best of connectivity for your future gaming endeavors!