Just months after the rocky release of Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC, the developers over at Rockstar Games are planning to rock things up in Red Dead Online with its new Moonshiner Update coming this Dec. 13.
Moonshiner Update
Rockstar Games has just announced in a Newswire post earlier this week that they're going to bring a new Frontier Pursuit, Moonshiner. The new Moonshiner Pursuit will be coming on Dec. 13 (next Friday) as a specialist role for players who have made good progress along the Trader path. As a black-market Moonshiner, you're going to be able to unlock role-specific skills to perfect your distillation methods, avoid the law, and put rival bootleggers out of business.
To start the Moonshiner Pursuit, you have to have put the time to progress the trader path, in this case, that means you have reached rank 5 in the Trader progression, or have completed a sell mission to get an introduction via Cripps to meet Maggie Fike.
The infamous Maggie Fike is a veteran bootlegger that has the connections and experience to help you get started. To start, you're going to have to purchase a Moonshining shack, an unassuming dwelling with its main floor acting as a front and basement for the all-too-important moonshining. Rockstar did not detail how much you're going to need to purchase the Moonshining shack, but we're guessing it will be good to purchase the Outlaw Pass No. 2 releasing along with the Moonshiner update to prepare for the shack, more on this later.
Aside from Moonshining, the update will, of course, be adding story missions in which you're going to be assisting Maggie Fike. These missions will be playable solo or cooperatively as you help Maggie get her revenge on old enemies. Progress along with the story, taking down rivals along the way, and you might find yourself with your own underground bar with customizable decor, a country band, and a dance floor too.
Outlaw Pass No. 2
Rockstar will also be releasing more content on Dec. 13, the new Navy Revolver, additional clothing options, and finally, an increase in the number of outfit slots in your Wardrobe. Most especially, they'll be releasing Outlaw Pass No. 2, the second outlaw pass for Xbox and PS4 players, but this will be the first Outlaw Pass for PC Players.
While Rockstar also did not detail how much the Outlaw Pass No. 2 will be, as the first one cost 35 gold bars, we're expecting the next one to be within the same ballpark. The original Outlaw Pass offered 70 levels, giving rewards such as clothing, decors, cash, gold, and more. Players who completed through the whole pass were able to earn back their 35 gold investment while benefiting from the role exp boosts and other bonuses.
PS4 and Xbox players who have previously purchased and completed the Outlaw Pass No.2 might have their gold and cash ready for the next update, but PC players may find that now is the best time to earn their gold nuggets so they can get the new content at day one.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is available on PC, PS4, Xbox, as well as Google Stadia.