Video games are already part of anyone's childhood or even adulthood. Whether you're a boy, a girl, a parent, or a professional, playing video games always gives its users a different adrenaline rush in the blood.
With all the existing video games providers in the world, three among them stand out over the years and still compete against each other. These are Playstation of Sony, Xbox of Microsoft, and Nintendo.
Though these three companies already went wild with all of their new games and awesome features, one among them won this time, and the Guinness World Record made the decision.
Happy 25th Anniversary Playstation!
Dec. 3 marks a huge success for one of the most iconic video games in the world—Playstation. Celebrating its 25th Anniversary since its first launching in Japan on Dec. 3, 1994, the video game provider now is recognized as a record holder in 2019 Guinness World Record.
In a tweet posted by the company, they stated that they are grateful for the award that GWR gave to them as the "best-selling home video game console brand ever."
"We're thrilled to be certified as the best-selling home video game console brand ever, with over 450 million units sold across the original PlayStation, PS2, PS3, and PS4 as of Nov. 7 according to @GWR. And it's all thanks to you," tweeted by Playstation's official account.
This award was just one proof that Playstation made a huge impact on the industry of technology and gaming over the years. From its very first console of Playstation 1 to the trending newest style of Playstation seen on Instagram called the rumored new style of upcoming 'Playstation 5,' this video game console had done remarkable stunts for the past years.
Why Playstation, GWR?
Some may find that GWR chose Playstation as the best-selling home video game console brand because of its silver anniversary. However, it is undeniable that the company can also shell out its different achievements over the past decades.
In the year 2000, Playstation launched Playstation 2. This device, though almost two decades now, is still recognized as the best selling video game console of all time, with its earnings of sold 157.7 million units.
According to the report of Digital Trends, another factor that made Playstation a successful video game console is the fact that they created awesome games along with their device.
In April, God of War, the most in-demand action-adventure video game produced by Sony, was launched. A month after that comes Detroit: Become Human that held a surprisingly positive review from gamers all over the world. And who will forget Marvel's Spiderman that introduced a fresh new Peter Parker in the gaming world?
Nintendo and Xbox Fight Along the Way
However, not all years can be that great for Playstation. As reported via Business Insider, 2019 wasn't the year for our classic video game. Instead, if you compare Playstation 4 to Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch—you will get a clear winner, and that's Nintendo.
Nintendo said in 2018, Nintendo Switch has the record for the fastest-selling video game console in the U.S history. Aside from the undeniable fact that it has a different design compared to Xbox One and PS4, the full-packed games of Nintendo Switch also made a huge difference from its competitors—take example Super Mario Odyssey.
Meanwhile, Xbox also made tremendous surprises within the past year. Xbox One having reached 47 million units sold compared to PS4 was a shocking event in the gaming world, and the competition does not seem to stop there in 2020.