What to Watch on Thanksgiving Day? Top Funny TV Shows to Binge-Watch

What to Watch on Thanksgiving Day: Top Funny TV Shows To Binge-Watch
What to Watch on Thanksgiving Day: Top Funny TV Shows To Binge-Watch SJ Baren/ Unsplash

After a mouth-watering meal you have shared with your relatives and friends on Thanksgiving Day, one great thing to do after is to watch some TV shows. However, we do not want a 'normal' TV show. It has to be funny, and it has to be funnier the second time you watched it.

Here are the top five comedic television shows—with no specific order—with its Thanksgiving episodes that you can binge-watch in upcoming Turkey's Day:

1. The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Ep 9 (The Thanksgiving Decoupling)

Sheldon and the gang decided to spend their Thanksgiving Day in the residence of Howard's mother, Mrs. Wolowitz. This is after their argument that Leonard's cooking style is always criticized by Sheldon. Meanwhile, Howard and Mike, father of Bernadette, also spent the holidays with them—now, making a judgment to his daughter's husband.

The entire episode was somehow funny, but it got funnier after Sheldon got drunk in the living room with Bernadette's dad. And Zack—Penny's sexy ex-boyfriend—came up and said that Penny was married to him in Vegas.

If you want to see Sheldon drunk and have Leonard's take on the grand reveal of Zack, you might want to check out this episode.

2. Cheers Season 5 Ep 9 (Thanksgiving Orphans)

If you are interested in watching an epic and classic scene of Thanksgiving 'food fight,' we have American series Cheers on your list.

This 1986 episode of Cheers still catches the vibe and hilarious scene compared to every Thanksgiving comedy TV shows. When Carla has the whole house to herself after her husband, Nick, took all of their children out, the gang decided to gather at her house and spent their Thanksgiving.

Though it started to be like a flawless Thanksgiving Day, the 'food fight' came in and gave its best Thanksgiving episode you can ever imagine.

3. How I Met Your Mother Season 5 Ep 2 (Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of The Slap)

Once you watched HIMYM, you will definitely remember one of the iconic scenes in the series called the 'Slapsgiving.' Though the part 1 of the Slapsgiving is on Season 3 Episode 9, the 2nd part of the traditional 'slap-bet' became more memorable in HIMYM Season 5 Ep 2.

After Barney loses a bet against Marshall, he was punished with a slap bet wherein Marshall can slap him anytime and anywhere he wanted. On their Thanksgiving Day, he was bound to get the fourth slap out of Marshall's five slaps. However, Marshall had an idea to give it to his gang but ended up from someone else—hitting really hard.

4. Friends Season 6 Ep 9 (The One Where Ross Got High)

If you have watched Friends, you definitely have your own favorite Thanksgiving episode. But the episode of 'Ross getting high' in college seemed to be a perfect choice for the holidays.

Compared to their past Thanksgiving Day, Monica decided to give Rachel a chance to prepare their dessert for the night. Meanwhile, she and Chandler also argue why Monica kept a secret—that they have a relationship—towards her parents.

This results in different secrets spilling out—from Rachel's weird trifle to Ross getting high in college.

5. WKRP in Cincinnati (Turkey's Away) Season 1 Ep 7

Another classic Thanksgiving episode is down to the last number in our list—the iconic 'Turkey's Away' from the late 70's TV show WKRP in Cincinnati.

The undoubted television's greatest Thanksgiving episode, as described by Wired, revolves around WKRP's station manager Arthur Carlson. He came up with the worst publicity of all time. He let Turkeys fly from a helicopter. What's funnier? It is the line of Carlson saying, "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly."

ALSO READ: Thanksgiving Chaos: How to Prevent Holiday Headaches Using Apps

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