The Fortnite weekly challenges don't come until Thursday of each week, and only then will players know what the challenges are, as well as the loading screen where the hidden letters can be found—but it instead came early this week.
Leaked Dive! Loading Screen
It should be noted that the Dive! challenges will still be released on Fortnite on Thursday, Nov. 28, at 9:30 A.M. EST, but the loading screen seems to have been leaked according to PCGamer.
Now, you will know where to find the next hidden letter, which is the letter "E," with the clues provided on the latest loading screen featuring a dam near the Hydro 16 landmark, which should be located east of Slurpy Swamp.

If you take a look at the loading screen, you can easily find the letter "E" floating above the light pole on the left side of the picture.
Finding the Hidden Letter "E"
Knowing where to look is one thing, but the challenge won't be completed by merely knowing where the letter is—you need to go to the location as well and get to the exact place where the letter is and obtain it.
That means you need to go to the dam and build a ramp to get to the top of the pole.
Here's the location of the dam, courtesy of Android Central:

However, it should also be noted that you need to finish all eight tasks for the Dive! weekly challenge before you get the loading screen, and only then can you visit the place and get the letter.
Looking for the hidden letters is part of the Fortnite Alter Ego challenges, where you need to complete the word F-O-R-T-N-I-T-E from past weekly challenges.
Holiday Decorations are Here!
Meanwhile, the Dive! loading screen was not the only thing that came early for Fortnite players, as it seems like the first holiday event decorations have been discovered in-game.
During the holiday season, Epic Games will likely bring holiday-themed skins, weapons, and challenges.
According to Dexerto, the first holiday decorations were first discovered by a German Fortnite player who tweeted that the shipment of Christmas decors has already been dropped to the Dirty Docks last Nov. 21, including Christmas trees with lights, and small wooden carvings that have lightbulbs on them.
Die Weihnachts Lieferung ist da :D in Dirty Docks wird das Weihnachts Equipment grade geliefert. — Hey Stan (@HeyStani) November 21, 2019
Apparently, those are harvestable, so you might want to try and go to Dirty Docks to get some for yourself before they are gone.
During last year's holiday season, the Fortnite map was covered in snow, but there are no signs of weather changes for this season, as of now.
Community Choice Skin
In other news, it also seems like the Fortnite Item Shop will include one of the previously leaked skins.
According to Fortnite Insider, there were around 40 cosmetics leaked during the last v11.20 update by dataminers.
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If the Fortnite Item Shop rotates, one of the leaked skins will be up for grabs, depending on the winner of the Community Choice held by Epic Games, so it's either the rare Riley skin, the Epic Fortnite Terns skin, or the rare Stingray skin.
Nonetheless, the winner had been revealed, and it was the Riley skin, so it seems like it will be up for available on the Item Shop.