Stardew Valley remains a popular game across many platforms. Thanks to developer ConcernedApe for continuously improving the game even almost four years after release. Stardew Valley Update 1.4, will be released on Nov. 26 for PC.
The new update is going to add a lot of big things to the farming life simulation game. For the longest time, Stardew Valley has been a solo project. For Update 1.4, ConcernedApe finally built a small team of developers, allowing them to bring in more content and fixes to the game.
Update 1.4 will also be released on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and the PlayStation 4 after an extended period of bug testing, but will likely be released before the end of the year. The reason behind the delay is the ease of patching on PC. ConcernedApe wishes to fix all bugs emerging from the PC release first before rolling them out on consoles, where patching is a more arduous process.
Without further ado, here's everything we know so far about the upcoming Update 1.4.
Multiplayer Improvements
There's going to be a new map available, called Four Corners, which is made specifically for multiplayer. It cleanly divides the farm into four, allowing players to till on their separate plots of land. The community center, cave, and mines will remain shared between the players.
Four Corners is still accessible in single-player, but it might take some imagination to come up with a reason for that.
Meanwhile, players will no longer have to fight over their collective budget. Update 1.4 will also roll out separate bank accounts, one for each player, so that each person could manage their funds on their own. However, for more harmonious friends, the bank accounts could be reconnected at the Mayor's House. Similarly, disgruntled players could ask the mayor to separate their bank accounts anytime.
Read also: Stardew Valley Multiplayer Finally Arrives
Quality of Life Improvements
Stardew Valley already improved a lot of aspects of the genre, but obviously, ConcernedApe is not content to just sit on his laurels. Update 1.4 will include a lot of quality of life improvements, many of which may even be too small to notice. ConcernedApe says that these changes will make the game feel more seamless. The aim is to make minor adjustments in the game that will patch up any holes or weak spots to make a more polished version of Stardew Valley.
One such small change is the functionality of the "Wild Bait," which used to be pretty useless. It now has a chance of getting more than one fish with just one attempt, adding more utility to the bait.
Update 1.4 will introduce a screenshot button on the menu that will let players take a full photo of their farm—or any place for that matter.
ConcernedApe also said that they'll be rolling out more end-game content for Stardew Valley. Veteran fans may have already finished the game multiple times already and may be pursuing their own goals. The new end-game content will help add more variation to their post-story lives in-game.
For example, a 14-heart event will be introduced for all bachelors and bachelorettes, accessible once you've married your chosen candidate. The 14-heart event will give players an incentive to maintain their relationships post-marriage.