Larian Studios brought Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition to the Nintendo Switch eShop two months ago. The port is polished, cutting corners only in the graphics department and in loading times. The full experience of the Definitive Edition, along with free DLCs and updates, as these first came out on other platforms, are all brought to the Switch version.
Larian Studios also promised that all future DLCs coming to other platforms will come to the Switch as well. The developers fulfill their promise with the first Free DLC content coming to all platforms since the Switch version's release.
The free update also comes with an upgrade on the Switch's multiplayer system. Players can now invite their friends to their game, whichever part of the game they're currently on. Now you could ask your friends to jump in any time you want them to help you out.
New Features!
The DLC comes in the form of a Gift Bag, and is called Order & Magic. Just like the two Gift Bags preceding this, Order & Magic can be accessed in the main menu. Each item in the DLC can be toggled, so you could enable or disable them as you wish.
Order & Magic introduces six new features, namely:
- Pet Power - You could now cast infusions on all of your summons, not only on your Incarnate. Each summon receives different skills depending on the infusion's base element.
- Combat Randomiser - To make combat more exciting, some enemies will randomly receive new special statuses. This also gives more replayability on the game, making each encounter less predictable.
- Nine Lives (Black Cat+) - Turns the black cat into a follower, and comes with a handy whistle for if ever it gets lost.
- Improved Organization - New special bags that helps in inventory management. It also introduces a new automatic organizing function.
- Sorcerous Sundries - New vendors sell exotic artifacts to upgrade gear to your current level.
- Hagglers - Your party's skill and reputation now affect your haggling with merchants. This means you no longer have to swap between characters just to find the best deal you could get.
The Order & Magic DLC is now available and should be accessible in the main menu when you update your copy to the latest version. Just with any version update, Order & Magic also comes with it bug fixes and gameplay balancing, so it's still worth getting even if you're not interested in the new features.
Catching Up
Unless you have them enabled already, you should also check out the two previous Gift Bags from the developers. They are called Beauty Salon and Song of Nature. They went live last March and September, respectively, with Song of Nature releasing the same time with the announcement of the Switch version.
Beauty Salon focused on character customization, adding more options to the game's extensive character creation suite. Song of Nature introduced the quality of life improvements, which included a Magic Mirror in Fort Joy that allows you to reallocate your skill points.
You could also use the same Steam account for your Nintendo playthrough, picking up where you left off, and vice-versa.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition is available on the Nintendo Switch through the eShop.