This Is The Best Day To Find A Job, According To LinkedIn

October is the best month to look for a new job, but what's the best day to search for a new gig? LinkedIn's Catherine Fisher revealed the day hiring managers are likely to post job opportunities. Hojun Kang | Pixabay

October is the best time of the year to look for a new job, Catherine Fisher, LinkedIn's head of Global Integrated Marketing and Communications wrote in a blog post.

October Is Best Time To Look For A New Job

Fisher said that there are more job opportunities that are posted on the career and employment-oriented platform in October than any other month of the year.

This conclusion is based on LinkedIn's analysis of all U.S. job posting data over the last five years from January 2014 to December 2018.

"You might associate the new season with football, foliage and pumpkin-spiced everything, it's also hiring season and the best time of year to look for a new job," Fisher wrote. "In fact, there are more available job postings on LinkedIn in October than any other month."

Also, 89 percent of hiring managers take less than four weeks to fill a role, making the Halloween month the best time to find a new gig.

Experience and qualifications can increase chances to get that new job, but LinkedIn also offered some tips on how job hunters can maximize their job search.

One of these is to look for jobs on Monday, which appears to be the best day of the week to search for that dream job.

Search For A Job On Mondays

Fisher said that the number one day for hiring managers to post job opportunities is Monday. It makes sense that job hunters should search for available opportunities at the beginning of the week because they get to be the first to find and submit their applications.

It helps to be the first one to know. Fisher said that professionals who are among the first 25 to send their applications for a role are thrice as likely to land the job.

Job hunters should set aside time on Monday evenings to apply for jobs because the opportunities are likely new and have been posted that day.

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