'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' LEGO Fan-Made Trailer is Superb

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is just a year away, and that gives the fans enough time to come up with all sorts of neat things. The latest is a fan-made trailer of Batman going up against Superman, and it is made entirely with LEGOs.

The trailer uses a similar approach to Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, with Batman in an armored suit, throwing everything he has at the Man of Steel. The fight was brutal, and it showed that, even with a powerful armored suit, Batman is no match for Superman in a one-on-one brawl.

The ending, however, was not similar to The Dark Knight Returns, as Batman met his end in a pool of blood in the hands of the Kryptonian. It was very much a surprising ending, as videos like these usually depict Batman as the victor or, sometimes, choose not to name a winner at all.

Even more surprising, we get to find out that the Batman in this Lego trailer is indeed a rendition of Ben Affleck, who is not Bruce Wayne. The real Batman is seen standing on a building with Alfred, as they joke about their use of Ben Affleck as a decoy to keep Superman distracted.

It's an amusing video, and the animation was really well done. It made us even more excited for the LEGO Batman movie, though, unfortunately, these scenes won't be part of the film. Such a shame.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is the second movie in the still young DC Cinematic Universe. Warner Bros. is counting on this film to succeed, along with Suicide Squad, to help kick the universe into full gear. Both movies won't hit theaters until 2016, so fans have a long time to wait before witnessing both the Bat and the Man of Steel throw punches at each other.

Man of Steel, the first film in the universe, did not do so well in the eyes of fans and critics, but it did manage to draw in over $700 million at the worldwide box office. We expect Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice to be the first billion earner.

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