Door Security – How to Make Your Doors Less Prone to Break Ins

Whether you have a home of commercial building, ensuring your door security is one of the most important aspects. You always want peace of mind that your doors will not be easy to break in. There are many things that you can do to your doors making them more safe and secure.

However, when you want that great elegant look and need security with it, you have to do much more. Glass doors and windows for example look great and can be pretty secure as well. Tempered Glass doors and windows in modern homes and commercial buildings are usually the best choice.

You can also go with laminated glass, which is another even more durable and secure option. These are known to have very high durability level. Even when broken, their custom nature leaves behind sharp shards that are impossible to work with for break-in experts.

Plexiglass sheets for doors and windows on the other hand don't leave behind sharp shards. But these are available in very thick levels making the much durable and hard to damage. Here are few precautions that you can take ensuring best door security for your home or commercial buildings:

Use Good Glass Types for Doors and Windows

It is easy to think glass as fragile and other materials like woods being stronger. Although it is true and also, many homes and offices can simply not have metallic doors, glass presents a different kind of security. Choosing the right type of glass for your doors can help you a great deal.

Tempered glass door panels and also laminated glass ones specialize in their own take on security. These are first of all much stronger than many people give them credit for. Proper glass types can be even stronger than some woods when you buy them from the right suppliers.

Custom Cut Glass for doors and windows in tempered or laminated form can be great. Even when someone does manage to crack or break it, its likely to leave sharp shards behind. This makes someone entering without permission deter away as risks of cuts and injuries are too great.

Use Professional Class Door Knob Jammers

Not necessarily every home or commercial building will have glass doors. Even when you have wooden ones, there can be gadgets that can help you a great deal. Door Knob Jammers are some such examples. These tend to keep the door locked until you open the lock with a key.

You also need to ensure proper placement of a door knob jammer on the inside of your doors. Placing them outside can be a waste of money and time. Door knob locks are allowed to turn when opened with the key and not when they are tried to be messed with.

Hard Reinforced Locks for Wooden Doors

When you don't go with the glass door option, a lot could be done with wooden doors as well. You can find high-quality reinforced locks that double up door security when locked. These are childproof and temper-resistant door locks that do a great job.

Wooden doors can handle them perfectly provided you have high-quality wood in them. These reinforced locks are also available cheaply as well. If you don't have any manned security around your doors, these can be the next best thing.

You can also check for their durability with the materials used in them. Harder the locks feel more secure they will be in the times to come. Be sure to have just the best locks that will provide peace of mind at all times.

Install High-Quality Connected Alarm Systems

Alarm systems have come a long way from what they had been. Now you have the option for connected locks that also operate over the internet. Warnings can be had on the go wherever you are and also with the authorities offering some of the best door security.

These systems can also be used remotely as well. You can unlock your doors even when you are on the other side of the world using apps that they come with. Using them as deterrents is highly recommended as well. Have alarm signs displayed on your door to keep people where they belong.

Even when in case of a break-in, authorities and yourself would be notified quickly and surely. Using these alarm systems, you can take unmanned door security to a whole new level.

Night-Sight Cameras Provide a Great Option

Especially in the case of commercial buildings, night-sight cameras are some of most trusty door security equipment. These specialize in recording all action around your door even when no one is physically there. Usually, working as the best deterrent, these are available in many configurations as well.

Even homes and domestic buildings can use cameras to great effect. With perfect nigh-sight capabilities, these will keep a copy of all action around your doors even when there is not much light at all. Make sure to display camera signs around your doors telling everyone that they are there too.

Also, in the best cased scenario, you should get those big cameras that are visible from a distance. Of course, telling people not to try anything funny is always the best option. Omni-directional cameras also perform best at all times offering a surround view of everything happening.


Whatever you do with your door security, the aim is to get peace of mind. You need to know that no one will be breaking in your home or commercial building any time soon. Where glass materials offer great options, there are other things that you can do to ensure maximum door security at all times.

Often, a combination of some above-mentioned features can work best for doors. You should be ready to spend a bit of time and money in order to get best door security. This is nothing that you should compromise on at all.

Be it Tempered Glass doors with alarms or any other measure, the one perfect for you should always provide self-satisfaction.

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