Apple Watch Lost In The Ocean Still In Working Condition When It Was Found 6 Months Later

Robert Bainter lost his Apple Watch while bodysurfing in California six months ago. The watch was found recently and it is still working perfectly fine.

The bodysurfer lost his smartwatch at sea and accidentally performed a torture test on it. Fortunately, the Apple Watch was able to withstand the harsh elements of the ocean.

"This thing has been my good luck charm. I would use it quite often to show the surf and how fast you were going. It would even show you where you were on the beach," Bainter said in an interview with KTLA 5.

Tale Of The Lost Smartwatch

Bainter was out in the sea in Huntington Beach enjoying and surfing the waves late last year when his watch went missing. He was riding the wave when the watch fell off his wrist.

He looked for it for an hour to no avail. However, he sensed then that he would get his phone back, that's why he didn't feel too upset at that time.

He used Apple's Find My Phone app to activate the lost mode on his Apple Watch. When in lost mode, the watch displays the name of the owner and phone number.

The surfer lost all hopes of getting back his old smartwatch, so he bought a new one. It was only until recently that he got a call from a number he didn't recognize.

Tough Technology

The surfer was serendipitously reunited with his lost Apple Watch but what's even more amazing is that the gadget is still working perfectly. A little haze remains on the device's screen, though, due to saltwater.

"It was this guy saying, 'hey if your name is Rob Bainter and you lost an Apple Watch recently. Hey, give me a call and if you can describe it, I'll give this thing to you," Bainter said.

A beachcomber was just walking and looking for shells when he spotted the Apple Watch 3 miles or about 4 .8 kilometers north of where it originally went lost at sea.

Bainter said the smartwatch didn't skip a beat, and all the information and apps were still saved. The Apple Watch survived a months-long adventure in the sea.

The Resilient Apple Watch

The first generation Apple Watch and Apple Watch Series 1 is splash and water-resistant, but submerging those devices in water is not recommended. Apple Watch Series 2 up to Apple Watch Series 4 may be used for shallow water activities such as swimming in a pool or ocean.

The Apple Watch carved its niche as a health device. It can track workouts and runs with advanced features. It can also track heart rate and step monitoring. It has a built-in electrical heart sensor that can measure a variety of health metrics. The latest Apple Watch Series 4 has a ton of additional health features.

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