Alert Issued For Fisher-Price Baby Sleeper Following Reports Of Infant Deaths

Fisher Price as well as the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission are warning consumers regarding a Fisher Price product that many young children use. The item has so far been linked to 10 infant deaths since 2015.

Product Warning

On April 5, the CPSC together with Fisher Price released a warning regarding the use of Fisher Price’s Newborn Rock N’ Play Sleeper. Evidently, since 2015, there have already been 10 reports of infant death related to using the product after the infants using the product rolled over from their back to their stomach or side while unrestrained.

All of the infants who died were 3 months and older. As such, CPSC is urging consumers to stop using the product after 3 months of age, or once the infant has started exhibiting roll-over behaviors. In the past, the commission has advised parents to use restraints when using infant inclined sleep products.

As for Fisher Price, it does warn its consumers regarding the limit of using the product after the child has learned roll-over behaviors. However, the deaths show that even with the warnings, there are still some who use the product even after the behavior is learned, and without using the three point harness restraint.

Infant Safety

Both CPSC and Fisher Price are now reminding consumers that when using infant products such as cribs, bassinets, inclined sleepers, or play yards, it is important to keep it clear of pillows, blankets, stuffed toys, or other items, and to make sure to place infants to sleep on their backs.

In a May 2018 warning about infant incline sleepers, the CPSC also warned consumers to always use the restraints in the product, ensuring that it is a snug fit to keep the baby face up. According to the CPSC, parents may not know the exact moment their babies first learn to roll over, so it is imperative to always practice safety precautions so as to avoid infant accidents.

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