Anthem players are reporting that the game is shutting down their PS4, and at least one is saying that it even bricked their console.
BioWare's new shooter was off to a rocky start when it launched on Feb. 22, and this issue is just adding insult to injury.
Anthem Shutting Down PS4
On Reddit, a user started a thread to explain what they're experiencing, describing it as a "complete PS4 shutdown."
"When encountering a crash or game error, sometimes I get booted to the main menu or out of the game completely to the PS4 dashboard."
In the comments section, other users began to chime in with similar issues. According to their reports, this issue occurs not only on the standard PS4 but also on the PS4 Pro.
Meanwhile, on the official Anthem forums, players are saying pretty much the same thing. Twitter is also filled with users complaining about the issue.
Anthem Bricks PS4
Now one user is saying that the game has bricked their PS4
"My playstation has been completely bricked to the point of not even turning on because of Anthem ... This post is mainly being made to warn people that this could potentially damage your console to the dreaded point of no return."
Other users also joined in, saying they're going through something similar. One says that their console started to have issues restarting and that it would turn on for a few moments but shut down afterward.
Sony Refunds PS4 'Anthem'
In light of the issue, Sony has reportedly started refunding PS4 players on their Anthem orders.
"Sony is aware of the issue and is offering a complete refund on Anthem no questions asked. Took me 5 minutes," one user said.
Unfortunately, it appears that getting a refund on the game isn't as easy for other players.
"I tried with Sony Support (chat) and was refused a refund. So, this doesn't seem to be working for most of us," a user added.
To fix the issue, EA is encouraging users to send crash data reports or post about it on a thread on the official Anthem forums.
We’re aware of a crashing issue some of you have been reporting for #AnthemGame. We’re investigating and ask that you share your crash data reports when prompted. If you have, we’ll be reaching out to gather info; if not, please reply to this thread on AHQ: — EA Help (@EAHelp) March 4, 2019