Apple is sharing the achievements of its Giving program, highlighting the charitable and volunteering efforts of its employees.
In total, it has donated more than $125 million to organizations in 2018 and raised over $365 million for nonprofits across the world to date.
Giving To Those In Need
Apple explains in a press release that it matches funds for each dollar or hour that an employee gives. According to its policy, it doubles the donations that employees make.
"In 2018, that added up to more than a quarter of a million hours volunteered and more than $125 million donated to organizations around the world," it said.
The Cupertino brand also says that its Giving program has raised more than $365 million since it began eight years ago.
"Apple's Giving program has become a powerful force for global good, raising more than $365 million for nonprofits around the world."
Volunteering Efforts
Its post shines the spotlight on its workforce's efforts. For instance, volunteers from Apple's Cork campus are giving their time to the Terence MacSwiney School in Ireland to teach students coding, drawing, music, video, and photography. Employees were also at Second Harvest in 2018, spending nearly 3,000 hours to distribute and sort food.
The article also gives notice to the company's backing of the Point of Pride charity, a nonprofit that supports transgenders. Apple's Liz Byrne is part of the organization's board.
Last but not least, Apple CEO Tim Cook also volunteered to help out at Dorsa Elementary school.
Thanks to Dorsa Elementary students and all who joined Apple volunteers in San Jose today! Sixty years ago, Dr. King called on all of us to make a career of humanity. “You will make a greater person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in.” — Tim Cook (@tim_cook) January 19, 2019