Granny Says 'Thank God' as iPhone Turns Into Chocolate on Christmas Day (Video)

A lot of people wanted to receive a brand new iPhone for Christmas. Not Jordan Graham's grandmother, though. She does not even know the difference between one of Apple's fancy smartphones and a regular old feature phone.

Graham, from Utah, thought of giving his grandmother a chocolate bar shaped into a feature phone for Christmas but it wouldn't be complete without placing the chocolate in an iPhone box and taking a video of it all.

At first, Graham's grandma is thrilled to receive a gift from her grandson. She even has nice things to say about the gift wrapping.

"Oh, look at all the doggies on this," she exclaims. "How cute! I want to keep that."

But grandma's tone and expression instantly changes the moment she sees the unmistakable white box from Apple.

"You're kidding me," she says, her tone quickly turning sour as she proceeds to open her unwanted Christmas gift. "I don't need it, Jordan."

Grandma becomes peevish, grumbling and griping about how she does not know how to use an iPhone and she is perfectly happy with her landline from the days when smartphones were not yet existent.

"The problem is I really am not equipped to handle this," she mutters.

"I have a landline phone at home. Nobody knows about them anymore, I guess," she says. "Had it for as many years."

All the while, her relatives try to explain to her that Apple does a really good job of making iPhones.

When grandma finally opens the iPhone box and takes out her brand new "phone," she cannot help but sigh in disappointment.

"There it is," she carps. "Oh, one of these. Everybody uses this that I know nothing about."

Then someone instructs her to put her gift inside her mouth. For a brief moment, Graham's grandma contemplates whether her relative is crazy, a pervert or a crazy pervert, before she realizes she has been pranked.

"Oh, thank God!" she cries before dissolving into fits of laughter. "Bless your heart. It's chocolate! I don't have to worry about what the hell I'm supposed to do with it."

While many people would have been frustrated at just how cruel and unfeeling close relatives could be, Graham's grandma was elated at such a literally sweet gift.

"I'm going to keep it a bit for a little bit," she says. "It's just as sweet as it can be! Look at that."

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