Newborn Miraculously Recovered From Ebola, The Youngest To Have Ever Survived

In the midst of the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, a silver lining comes in the form of a baby referred to as "young miracle," the youngest survivor.

The bundle of joy, named Benedicte, was just six days old when she was admitted to a treatment facility in Beni City, one of the most struck area of the deadly disease. The infant's mother, who also had Ebola, died during childbirth on Oct. 31.

Ebola Baby Survivor, A Ray Of Hope

The baby girl was said to be the youngest survivor of Ebola, the health ministry said, a needed miracle from the second deadliest outbreak in the world. The infant was discharged recently and went home in the loving arms of her dad and aunt.

"This is my first child. I truly don't want to lose her. She is my hope," Thomas, the baby's father, said.

The health ministry shared on Twitter a photo of the miracle baby, seemingly in the middle of a yawn when the picture was taken, being carried by health workers who worked tirelessly in making sure she went out of this battle successfully. Aside from specialists, she was cared for by "nounous," or Ebola survivors that volunteered in helping the community.

Growing Concern On Ebola Outbreak

Meanwhile, this news was certainly a ray of hope in what health agencies have had growing concerns about. They further expressed worry over the number of children that have Ebola, which account for over one-third of all the cases.

UNICEF also explained that one in 10 Ebola cases is a child below 5 years old, with those contracting hemorrhagic fever in a higher risk of fatality. Although the disease is more common in adults, there were reported cases when kids catch the virus, especially when they practice caregiving to patients.

As for babies, a few cases have been noted, which experts say may have been passed on through breastfeeding or close contact with infected patients. Ebola is usually transmitted by bodily fluids. Moreover, the World Health Organization said the spread of the disease also happens in health centers.

UNICEF's regional director for West and Central Africa, Marie-Pierre Poirier, explained that early admission of affected kids to health centers could greatly help in their chance of survival. Over 400 children have suffered since the onslaught of the dreaded disease — either they were orphaned when their parents died or were left unaccompanied when their guardians were taken away for treatment.

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