Netflix Will Help Get Kids To Bed Early With Fake New Year's Countdown

There is nothing like ringing in the New Year with your family and loved ones. But looking after your hyperactive kids may not be the ideal scenario. Of course you want to kiss your sweet kids when the ball drops, but you might not want them up way past their bedtime. Thankfully, Netflix is helping you get your children to bed, while still allowing them to celebrate the New Year's Eve ball drop with a fake countdown.

Netflix launched a new on-demand New Year's Eve countdown so that families can start the party with their little ones at a more reasonable time, whether it be 8, 9 or 10 p.m. The countdown lasts three minutes and is hosted by the dancing lemur King Julien from Netflix original series, All Hail King Julien.

"Move over, Ryan Seacrest, I've got my very own on-demand countdown party on Netflix," says King Julien in a Netflix statement.

The fake countdown for children also features the popular animated characters from Madagascar so they can move it, move it and then move to the bedroom early.

All Hail Julien joined the list of 70 Netflix programs targeted for children on Dec. 19. Parents and babysitters who are ready to start drinking can trick their little ones with this countdown before the adult activities begin. We can drink to that!

[Photo Credit: Tony Alte/ Flickr]

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