YouTube Dark Mode Now Available On Android: Here’s How To Turn It On

The YouTube mobile app for Android is finally getting a dark mode option, something iOS users have been able to enjoy for quite some time now.

Exactly why Google allowed iOS folks to have this option first remains a mystery, but at least it's here now. YouTube had announced this past March that a dark mode option was coming to both Android and iOS after it first debuted on the Material Design-revamped version on the web.

YouTube Dark Mode For Android

As 9to5Mac notes, the feature began rolling out just recently, with users seeing the "Dark theme" automatically applied along with a pop-up at the bottom of the screen notifying users about the feature.

For those who want to switch to dark mode — experts say black backgrounds save more battery, especially on devices with AMOLED displays — head over to the Settings page, and then tap the "General" section. There, just beneath the "Remind me to take a break" feature, is where the new Dark theme toggle sits.

Just note that the theme is more of a dark gray than pure black. Also, anything previously white will be converted into the dark theme, including search pages, backgrounds, tabs, and even the minimized video player. Those who totally hate the dark theme's particular shade of gray unfortunately can't opt for a deeper shade of black, though. Hopefully, YouTube introduces more options in the next update.

Channels, meanwhile, will still show bars in an array of different colors. Perhaps the biggest impact is on the video page, where the video player is now black before it fully loads. This way, the initial loading experience is now less jarring to see.

YouTube Dark Mode For Android Release Date

As of writing, the feature appears to still be rolling out, but given the multitude of users stumbling upon the feature, it seems to be officially stable instead of just being a limited test.

In any case, it's not too significant a feature and may be turned off if preferred. Still, it's nice to see some variation within the app, especially since it hasn't received a design update for a long time.

YouTube is available on both iOS and Android.

Thoughts about dark mode finally coming to the Android version of YouTube? Would you rather stick to the default white theme? As always, if you have anything to share, feel free to sound them off in the comments section below!

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