Pregnant Millennial Women Have A 50 Percent Higher Chance Of Suffering From Depression Than Their Mothers

Mental health problems are more prevalent than they were two decades ago as a new study suggests millennial women

Millennial's Mental Health

A study conducted found that women are 51 percent more likely to suffer from depression while they are pregnant due to social media and the pace of modern life increasing the rates of depression and levels of anxiety in expecting mothers.

The team of scientists from Bristol University examined over 2,000 women between the ages of 19 and 24 from the years 1990 to 1992. They then repeated the process with 180 of the women's daughters who were expecting between the years 2012 and 2016.

The scientists found that the rates of depression and anxiety rose from 17 percent to 25 percent between the two groups. They believe that the reason behind it has to do with social changes. The researches continued that this trend was similar to the general increase in the cases of depression among young women over recent years.

They note that the increasing pressures from modern society are heightened when a woman is pregnant. Changes in the lifestyle may have contributed to the increase.

"Chronic stress, sleep deprivation, eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, and the fast pace of modern life may be contributing to an increasing prevalence of depression among young people generally," the researchers said.

The researchers continued that this generation of pregnant women has experienced a rapid change in technology and social media, which has led to increased feelings of isolation and changes in social relationships. They also added that difficulties in balancing work and responsibilities at home may have increased, and that's why more women feel so much pressure compared to their moms.

What Can Be Done To Prevent This?

Rebecca Pearson, the author of the study, stated that depression during pregnancy can impact a mother and the child. This is an important issue that health services should know. Pearson continued that the next steps in the study will be to examine the consequence of depression in expecting mothers from the 90s generation.

Clare Livingstone, a professional policy advisor at the Royal College of Midwives, stated that these new findings are alarming and that depression has increased across the population. Now, however, there is a corresponding rise in parental depression.

She continued that the Royal College of Midwives is also concerned because of the number of women experiencing social isolation from their friends and family or living in areas where traditional communities are no longer in existence.

The study was published in journal JAMA.

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