Suicides Rates In America Have Increased By 25 Percent Since 1999

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the rates of suicide has drastically risen since 1999. For the past two decades, ending in 2016 suicides have increased by 25 percent and 25 states in the US have experienced a 30 percent rise in suicides.

Suicides Rates In America

The report was released on Thursday, June 7, 2018, that stated more than half of people who died by suicide have not been diagnosed with a mental health illness. In 2016, over 40,000 people ended life by suicide.

For people between the ages of 15-34 years old, suicide is the second highest cause of death.

The report collected data from the National Vital Statistics System for all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Researchers from CDC studied the suicide rates for people ten years and older from the years 1999-2006. In addition to the 25 percent increase overall that the United States has experienced in the suicide rates, the North Dakota state saw a 58 percent increase in suicide and Delaware experienced a 6 percent increase in the suicide rate.

Nevada is the only state in America that did not experience an increase but a 1 percent decrease in its suicide rate. Nevada still remains the state with the highest rate of suicides. In the state of Montana, there were 29 suicides for every 100,000 people.

Other states that have seen a higher increase in suicide rates or Idaho, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

Dr. Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the CDC, stated the common method of suicide was using a gun. Hanging or suffocating with the second most common method followed by poisoning.

Suicide Prevention

Health officials and experts are concerned about this alarming rate and that limited health care for those suffering from mental health could be to blame. Other factors such as higher poverty rates in rural areas, strained relationships, and financial problems, are also stressors that may have added to increase the suicide rate.

"I think this gets back to what do we need to be teaching people - how to manage breakups, job stresses. What are we doing as a nation to help people to manage these things? Because anybody can experience those stresses. Anybody," Christine Moutier from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention stated.

Historically men had a higher rate of suicide than women, however, according to the new data the rates among women committing suicide has risen. These new findings follow the tragic death of fashion designer, Kate Spade, who committed suicide at the age of 55 years old. Spade allegedly suffered from depression.

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