Can't Wait For iOS 12 Release Date? Here's How To Install The Beta Version Now

Apple fans got a sneak preview of iOS 12 and its features during the WWDC 2018. Here is how users can install the beta version.

All About The New Software

To start off, Cupertino's yearly update will not leave any of the devices that currently run on iOS 11. This means that models as old as the iPhone 5S will receive the update when it officially launches later this year. Developers acknowledge that the newer devices will run the new software faster than its older siblings, but the company confirms performance improvements in store for the latter.

A quick preview of the new software reveals several new features that might excite iOS users. So far its biggest advantage is its availability across all devices that are already on the latest version of the software. One of its biggest promises is apparently the significant improvement to overall performance even on older compatible models as well as Augmented Reality. The rest are various upgrades to existing features like parental controls, Siri, FaceTime, Notifications and more.

Users can expect the official release sometime in September this year, but for those who want to experience what it offers can try out the beta version.

Beta Installation And Risks Involved

Just like other pre-release versions of different operating systems, iOS 12 beta users should know that it is far from a stable experience. There is a chance that some of the advertised features will not work and it will be full of bugs and errors. Furthermore, Apple encourages participants to report these errors in detail to help the team iron out most of the bugs before its eventual release.

Before anyone begins, experts remind all testers to always back up their devices in the event that the system crashes. In some cases, the device might wipe out all of the data on the smartphone or tablet. If possible, developers recommend the use of a secondary or test unit to ensure that its free from important data.

How To Get iOS 12 Now

Now, for users who still want to participate in the public beta for iOS 12 even after reading about the risks it comes with, there are currently two ways to grab the software. The first one is to join the iOS Developer Program, which costs $99 a year. The second one is to sign up for the public beta for free.

Unlike the former, the public beta does not give users access to the latest version that all developers have access to. Once users have signed up with their respective options, there are a couple of steps to help make the experience a little better.

The first step is to download the most up-to-date and correct version of the beta that is intended for the user's device. In cases wherein the owner uses the wrong software, iTunes will wipe out all of the data, which leaves the device in DFU mode. This usually requires a complete restore to get everything back into working order.

Next is to ensure that iTunes is on the latest version before owners register their unit's UDID (Unique Device Identifier). It is still up for debate if UDID registration is really required but it is better to be safe than sorry. There are two ways to register the identifier and the first one requires an iOS developer account while the other can be done via

The following process is to back up the device and to restore everything to factory settings. What follows after is to install the beta software via iTunes. With the device plugged in, users can hold down the Option button on a Mac or Shift button on Windows then click on the Update button. Locate and select the software and continue.

Once the iOS 12 update process completes and the device restarts, users will be prompted with a screen that says "Slide to upgrade." Swiping to confirm will reboot the device once again and finally boot into the familiar "Hello" welcome screen.

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