Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 12 More: How To Handle Eggs To Prevent Salmonella Infection

Twelve more salmonella cases from five states have been linked to the recalled eggs produced by Rose Acre Farms' Hyde County farm.

The U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed the same on Thursday, May 10.

Multistate Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Recalled Eggs

The April 16 update revealed that Salmonella Braenderup infected 35 people from nine states. Eleven of those infected have been hospitalized.

The CDC continues to warn against consumption of recalled eggs, advising consumers, retailers, and restaurants to throw them away or return them to the place of purchase.

"Check egg cartons for the following numbers: P-1065 (the plant number) and another set of numbers between 011 and 102 (the Julian date), or, for Publix and Sunups egg cartons, plant number P-1359D and Julian date 048A or 049A with Best By dates of APR 02 and APR 03," the CDC said.

Eggs are among the most nutritious foods available, but consumers need to observe caution when handling and preparing fresh eggs and egg products to avoid food poisoning. Eggs may contain Salmonella that can cause illness if a person eats raw or lightly cooked eggs.

Proper Handling Of Eggs To Prevent Salmonella

To prevent Salmonella infections, cook eggs until the yolk and white are firm. Egg dishes also needs to be cooked at a temperature of at least 160°F or 71°C.

To reduce the odds of getting a Salmonella infection, the CDC advises consumers to buy and use pasteurized eggs and egg products. Foods that contain raw or lightly cooked eggs such as tiramisu, Caesar salad dressing, and hollandaise sauce should only use pasteurized eggs.

Consumers should buy eggs from suppliers that keep them refrigerated. Consumers should likewise keep them refrigerated at 40°F (4°C) or colder.

Discard dirty and cracked eggs. Eggs can become contaminated from droppings of poultry from contaminated feed, or bedding and through the laying process.

"Eggs that spend a significant amount of time in the nest can become dirty or break," the CDC said. "Eggs with dirt and debris can be cleaned with fine sandpaper, a brush or cloth. Don't wash eggs, because colder water can pull bacteria into the egg."

Eggs and egg dishes should likewise be consumed promptly after cooking or placed in the fridge. Don't leave eggs or egg dishes at room temperature for more than two hours, or one hour if the temperature is at least 90°F.

Frequent hand washing and cleaning items that came into contact with raw eggs are also important.

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