If you were looking forward to watching Seth Rogen and James Franco's latest comedy The Interview this holiday season, you're a bit out of luck. After the hackers claiming responsibility for the Sony leaks threatened to commit acts of terrorism at theaters that chose to show the film, every major movie theater chain in America pulled the film. Sony ultimately made the decision that the film would not be released at all.
It's big news. Some are crying censorship, while others are saying it was the right move. Celebrities of all sorts took to Twitter to voice their opinions. You can check out what they think below.
I expect THE INTERVIEW to turn up online. Because, dig it, you can knock the rock but you can't stop the rock.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) December 18, 2014
Re: #Sony & #TheInterview Oppressive Regime Halts Assassination Propaganda: 1 Freedom of Speech: Nil Terrorism edging Capitalism by a nose — Sean Astin (@SeanAstin) December 18, 2014
But when you get into "how does a big brother society actually happen," I think it starts closer to what's happening to The Interview.
— Max Landis (@Uptomyknees) December 18, 2014
I would gladly host an announced screening of THE INTERVIEW to deliberately test the threats — Harry Knowles (@headgeek666) December 18, 2014
George R.R. Martin offers his own theater to show 'The Interview' https://t.co/9NqCN9geBG pic.twitter.com/z4kaBHl0U4
— Esquire Magazine (@Esquiremag) December 18, 2014
The Interview = Argo. It exists only as a trailer. There is no film. This is all a false flag. Why can't I keep a straight face typing this? — Brian Reed (@BrianReed) December 18, 2014
Man, "The Interview" better be pretty funny, cuz there's no way I'm not watching it now.
— Joss Whedon (@josswhedon) December 18, 2014
.@SonyPictures don’t cave, fight: release @TheInterview free online globally. Ask viewers for voluntary $5 contribution to fight #Ebola. — Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) December 18, 2014
Saw @Sethrogen at JFK. Both of us have never seen or heard of anything like this. Hollywood has done Neville Chamberlain proud today.
— Rob Lowe (@RobLowe) December 17, 2014
Do the terrorists win in the end of #TheInterviewMovie ? I guess so.. — Bryan Greenberg (@bryangreenberg) December 17, 2014
Dear Sony Hackers: now that u run Hollywood, I'd also like less romantic comedies, fewer Michael Bay movies and no more Transformers.
— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) December 17, 2014
There goes my Hitler comedy. — Zach Braff (@zachbraff) December 17, 2014