How To Wake Up Early Every Morning

Most people need 8 hours of sleep at night to function properly in the morning, while others have no problem waking up early to even go for a morning jog. Those who are night owls may find it easier hitting the snooze button.

To help, we've created a guide on how to wake up early every morning.

Don't Use Smartphone An Hour Before Bed

A recent study shows that 80 percent of people use their smartphones an hour before going to bed. Chris Brantner, a certified Sleep Science Coach at SleepZoo, highly recommends people should stop using their smartphone at least 60 minutes before going to bed.

"Turning off phones early allows the body to start producing melatonin when it should. This results in the ability to fall asleep quicker, as well as to achieve deep sleep more quickly," said Brantner. "The consequences are obvious: people will gain a greater quantity of sleep because they're more likely to get to bed on time, and they can obtain a better quality of sleep as they are better able to get through the required stages of sleep. The result? People are more likely to wake up feeling refreshed early in the morning," Brantner told Tech Times.

Stop Hitting Snooze

Previous studies show that more than 1 in 3 adults hit snooze at least three times before waking up in the morning. While it's nothing major to get a few extra minutes of sleep, fighting with the alarm clock makes people feeling more tired during the afternoon.

Drink Two Glasses of Water

Everyone knows the importance of drinking 8 glasses of water each day. Health experts recommend that drinking 1 to 2 glasses of water first thing in the morning can help hydrate the body and aid in digestion.

Angela Lemond, a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, said, "Our bodies are pretty dry when we wake up in the morning," she said. "Drinking a couple glasses of water to allow the body to rehydrate allows for better digestion when you do eat. It also helps with moving the lower bowels for regularity in the mornings."

Eat A Healthy Breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast in the morning helps improve energy levels, memory's performance, and restores glucose levels. "Eating breakfast has long-term health benefits. It can reduce obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes," said National Health Service.

Exercise In The Morning

For most people, waking up much earlier than they need to is considered torture. However, most fitness experts suggest having a routine, ritual, and reward system when it comes to waking up early to exercise. The best time to go jogging in the morning is usually around 6 a.m. as it helps get the heart racing and feel ready to take the day on.

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