Make Music Directly Inside Your Browser With Google’s Chrome Music Lab

There's a new music creation tool within Chrome Music Lab, Google's browser-based experiment allowing even amateurs to lay down some tracks and learn the fundamentals of producing music.

The new tool is a sequencer that allows users to insert loops for two different instruments then save it or send it to somebody. It boasts a piano roll/grid users can fill in with note blocks, which represent different sounds. They have the option to choose from a diverse set of sounds, from Marimba to Electronic to Kit to Conga to Strings, and more. They can also adjust the tempo to their liking.

Chrome Music Lab

Chrome Music Lab was launched in 2016, one of Google Creative Lab experimental projects. It's a series of web-accessible music tools that allow users to interact with music in a highly approachable way, taking the intimidating components of music production and outfitting them with a nicer, much more user-friendly interface. Individually, the tools are a bit too simplistic, but they're still a great way for amateurs to learn the basics. But even professionals can play around with it to see what they can make with a limited tool set.

Among the tools included in Chrome Music Lab are Oscillators, Sound Waves, a Spectrogram, Arpeggios, and a handful of others. They each have unique designs and interfaces in an attempt to make music production more playful instead of more technical.

Song Maker

Song Maker is a bit more complicated than the other tools, but Google has designed it in a way where even those without a background in music can start messing around and laying notes and see what happens. It's a fun little tool that offers quite a range of options when thoroughly tinkered with.

There are some other customization tools available apart from the main interface. Users can set the octave range, the loop length, the beats per bar, and play around with several other settings. It's not a tool one would use to create the next Billboard Top 10 hit, sure, but it could provide tremendous fun for those just starting to grasp the concept of music production.

Song Maker is available within the Chrome Music Lab, which can be accessed from a desktop, phone, tablet, and others via the website. Check it out and see what you end up making.

Have you tried the new Song Maker tool in Chrome Music Lab? How's the experience so far? Feel free to sound off in the comments section below!

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