The Moon Will Get Its Own 4G Network While People Still Can’t Get A Connection On Earth

It may sound strange but the Moon will be getting its own network. Three major companies are teaming up to bring a 4G network to the Moon. This is part of a project that is working on the first privately funded mission to the Moon.

The decision to make it 4G instead of 5G was done purposefully.

Moon Mission

The three companies working together to make this network possible are carrier Vodafone Germany, phone maker Nokia, and carmaker Audi. Vodafone announced that it would be working with Nokia to develop a space-grade network that would have to be a tiny device that would weigh less than one kilogram.

All three companies are working along with PTScientists on a mission to the Moon. Audi will be making two Quattro rovers. These rovers will be exploring the surface of the Moon and returning to the landing site of the Apollo 17 mission.

This 4G network being brought to the Moon will be able to provide high-definition video of what's happening on the mission. This will allow the mission to collect images and videos of the lunar surface.

The 4G network will be on the 1800 MHz frequency. It will be able to make contact with the Autonomous Landing and Navigation module. Using the 4G network scientists will be able to transfer a larger amount of data between the rovers and the base station.

The decision to use 4G instead of 5G because the technology is more reliable and it is easier to use in space.

This lunar mission is set to launch in 2019. It will launch from Cape Canaveral from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.

Nokia chief technology officer and Bell Labs president, Marcus Weldon, said he welcomes the challenge of the mission and the possible ramifications it could have on the future of humanity.

This important mission is supporting, among other things, the development of new space-grade technologies for future data networking, processing, and storage, and will help advance the communications infrastructure required for academics, industry and educational institutions in conducting lunar research," said Weldon in a press release about the project. "These aims have potentially wide-ranging implications for many stakeholders and humanity as a whole, and we look forward to working closely with Vodafone and the other partners in the coming months, prior to the launch in 2019."

Chief executive of PTScientists Robert Bohme praised the 4G network. Bohme says that using the 4G network allows them to use more power in other areas of the mission.

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