You Can Now Leave Switch Game Reviews On Nintendo’s Site: Here’s How

Nintendo is allowing customers to let their voices be heard. A new update to its website now enables users to leave reviews for select Switch games.

Titles such as Splatoon 2 and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are already integrated with the company's new review mechanic. To see it, scroll down and find the "Customer Reviews" section near the bottom of the game's page.

Nintendo Switch Game Reviews

Because this is Nintendo, the review structure is likely different than what one would find on, say, Amazon or eBay. Players will be able to select from a pool of tags that describe the experience they had with a certain game, from "challenging" to "great sound" to "immersive" to "great value" and a smattering of others. Players will also have the chance to describe their gaming category or whether they're more of a casual player or a hardcore one. They can also warn other customers if their review contains spoilers.

While this isn't the first time Nintendo has allowed reviews to appear on its site, seeing as it once allowed game recommendations during the Wii era, this is actually the first time it's allowing detailed reviews on its site for Switch games. As of this writing, some games don't have any reviews yet, but make sure to check any game webpage to see what the Customer Reviews section looks like.

How To Write Switch Reviews On Nintendo's Website

To write a review for a Switch game, a player must first sign up for a Nintendo account. After doing so, they must go to the page of an already-released game and scroll down to find the "Review this game" button and fill out the necessary details. Obviously, the feature won't be available for games that haven't been released yet, but if you're keen on sharing your thoughts about a Switch game you love, Nintendo now allows it.

It's a small yet crucial change Nintendo is making that'll help it connect further with its audience. Nintendo has developed quite a reputation for being stingy with user engagement over the years, but its Switch hybrid console, plus its Direct presentations, have been the turning point of its overall ethos. Now, Nintendo seems to be more open, more willing to listen, and more considerate of what its players actually want.

Sure, the Switch is lacking in several departments — cloud saves, online multiplayer features, virtual console, Bluetooth headset support are all still missing — but it's a console that proves Nintendo learns from its past mistakes, especially with the ill-fated Wii U. It's the hottest console in the market right now, and Nintendo has plenty of opportunities on the horizon in the form of Pokémon, Metroid Prime 4, and other hyped-about titles, to give it another significant push.

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