27 Most Inspirational And Motivational Quotes By Influential Leaders In Tech

Technology helps us look into the past and learn from it. It helps shape the present and determines the future of mankind.

If people claim money makes the world go round, the same thing can be said about technology today. Without it, life will be very different. Look around and just imagine what will not be there if technologies were not created to make life easier.

While technologies evolve, it takes great minds to create them. These are individuals with the guts that take the risk and challenge the norms to create something that can make the world better (and yes, go wow!).

There will be no iPhones or Windows computers if not for the men and women who persevered to build these things. There will be no Facebook if no college student dreamed to connect people and give everyone the power to share anything with family, friends, and practically anyone. The app that young people and brands love for its messages self-destruct after a few seconds did not take a snap to build. This list can go on and on.

The tech leaders who disrupted industries and provided solutions to everyday problems are also among the richest people on the planet. However, one must remember that it did not just take them an ounce of patience to get to the top of the world.

Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Ma, and the most influential tech leaders today endured failures, faced adversity, and hurdled challenges to enjoy the fruits of their labor and dedication. They demonstrated an immense passion for things they love and the fortitude to push forward despite the hardships.

Dreaming of changing the world? (Don't laugh. It can be done). Here are some inspirational quotes from extraordinary individuals who know how to fail, and more importantly, know how to succeed.

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