Pornhub Bans AI-Created Celebrity Fake Porn Videos And Considers Them Revenge Porn

Pornhub is no longer hosting the fake porn videos on its website. Videos using the likeness of celebrities are now considered nonconsensual and will be taken down by the pornography site.

This would put the deepfakes creations in the same category as a revenge porn.

Pornhub Bans AI-Generated Celebrity Porn Videos

Pornhub recently announced in a statement to Motherboard that it will not host the deepfakes videos anymore. Deepfakes are created using a machine learning algorithm that allows the creator to manipulate the existing porn video by placing a celebrity's face over one of the actors in the video.

"We do not tolerate any nonconsensual content on the site and we remove all said content as soon as we are made aware of it," told Motherboard in an e-mail. "Nonconsensual content directly violates our TOS [terms of service] and consists of content such as revenge porn, deepfakes or anything published without a person's consent or permission."

At this time, even though Pornhub confirmed that it banned the videos, the deepfakes videos are still all over the website. A search shows that they can be found on the first page and not even hidden.

Previously, deepfakes were banned by Discord and Gfycat that, at one point, hosting the porn video creations. Gfycat removed the content because the company found it objectionable. Discord apparently used the same language as Pornhub when citing the reasons for shutting down the deepfakes discussions.

"Non-consensual pornography warrants an instant shut down on the servers whenever we identify it, as well as permanent ban on the users," said Discord in a statement. "We have investigated these servers and shut them down immediately."

Twitter Announces Removal Of Deepfakes Content

Twitter also announced that it will be removing the deepfakes content from the social media website. While the platform is friendlier to porn images, the service says that it will not allow the distribution of materials that were made without the person's consent.

Deepfakes hasn't only been used for creating fake celebrity porn, however, it is its most prevalent use. Videos placing Nicolas Cage in famous movies have made the rounds on the Reddit. Someone also placed Carrie Fisher's likeness into Rogue One comparing it side-by-side with the actual job that Disney did for the original.

The most troubling part about the deepfakes creations is that this could be done to anyone as long as the content creators have the images. All that is commonly being used to create the fake videos are images of the celebrities.

Users, however, have been pondering and saying that they've created videos of people that they know. People share their photos online through a number of their social media accounts and it could be used easily to create one of these porn videos without their permission.

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