Shadow Of The Colossus PS4 Remake: New Trailer Arrives, Plus Complete Trophy List Leaks

A week ahead of the release for the remake of Shadow of the Colossus on the PlayStation 4, Sony has revealed a brand new trailer.

The new trailer gives gamers a look at the main character, Wander, as he travels through his world and fights against some of the giant monsters in the game. The new video also gives a look at the new visuals to the game and how much it has updated.

The trailer mixes cinematics as well as gameplay footage and, quite honestly, it’s hard to tell them apart. This is a testament to Bluepoint Games success in bringing 2005 PS2 classic to the modern age.

The Shadow of the Colossus trailer was released by Sony Interactive Japan and Asia and has yet to release anywhere else. Fortunately, the video is available via YouTube so it is easy to find.

Trophy List

Along with the trailer release, the complete trophy list for Shadow of the Colossus remake arrived online as well.

The Power Pyx website gave a full rundown of all the trophies available in the game and this gives players a head start on strategies to acquire each. According to the website, there is a total of 38 trophies available including one Platinum trophy, five Gold trophies, seven Silver trophies, and 25 Bronze trophies.

When viewing the list it could feel as though this is a recycled list from the PS3 remake of Shadow of the Colossus but it doesn’t seem to be the case. The PS3 version had a total of 31 trophies with the addition of a few new trophies.

Some of the new trophies added include interacting with the Forbidden Land’s wildlife, defeating a Colossus with the Queen sword, praying at different shrines in the game, and much more.

Bronze Trophies

Sword of Her MajestyDefeat Colossus with Queen Sword.Bronze
Paint the TargetUse the Sword to focus on a vital point.Bronze
Fruit of the LandEats a piece of fruit.Bronze
Skilled WarriorDefeat a Colossus with a downward jump stab.Bronze
The Past that Defines ThreeDefeat a Colossus while in Reminiscence Mode.Bronze
Fize-Lined SkinkCollect a silver lizard tail.Bronze
Animals of the LandInteract with a dove, hawk, fish, and turtle.Bronze
Boon of the NomadFinds barrel in the hidden cave.Bronze
Trick Arrow SkillsShoot a lizard with a special arrow.Bronze
Valley of the WandererDefeat 1 ColossusBronze
The MammothDefeat 2 ColossusBronze
Wake of the KnightDefeat 3 ColossusBronze
Land of the GravestonesDefeat 4 ColossusBronze
Riding the WindDefeat 5 ColossusBronze
Tomb of the GiantDefeat 6 ColossusBronze
Waves of LightningDefeat 7 ColossusBronze
Scaler of the ColosseumDefeat 8 ColossusBronze
Lurker of the CaveDefeat 9 ColossusBronze
Mystery in the SandDefeat 10 ColossusBronze
Guardian and the PitDefeat 11 ColossusBronze
Thunder of the LakeDefeat 12 ColossusBronze
Signs amidst the StormDefeat 13 ColossusBronze
Shield of the ColossusDefeat 14 ColossusBronze
Valley of the FallenDefeat 15 ColossusBronze
Last of the ColossusDefeat 16 ColossusBronze

Silver Trophies

Reach the GateCross the bridge to the entrance of the Forbidden Lands.Silver
Last Man StandingComplete a single playthrough without dying.Silver
Bearer of the CurseCompletes the game on any difficulty.Silver
Dormin's RageUse Dormin's breath attack.Silver
Seeking SalvationPray at all shrines in the game.Silver
Trick RiderPerform all stunts with Agro.Silver
Fruit of the GardenTaste the poisoned fruit.Silver

Gold Trophies

Speed KingObtain all time attack items together one set.Gold
Intrepid MortalMax out Wander's health and stamina bars.Gold
Speed DemonComplete hard mode under 5 hours, 41 minutes, and 28 seconds.Gold
Grounded ScalerDefeat Colossus 8 before it can turn back over.Gold
Resist the WristDefeat Colossus 3 without breaking his wristguard.Gold


The Horned BoyAcquire all trophies.Platinum

Shadow of the Colossus will be released on Feb. 6, exclusively on the PS4.

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