Burger King Explains Net Neutrality To Customers Using Burgers

In what may be one of the more bizarre ways to learn about net neutrality, Burger King took it upon itself to educate its customers about the net neutrality repeal. In a video, the fast food chain introduces wait times to confused customers, explaining that they would have to pay more for a shorter wait, just like in the absence of net neutrality rules.

At the beginning of the video, a man on the street segment shows that many people are still confused about what net neutrality actually is.

Fast Lanes, Slow Lanes

Burger King used burgers to educate its confounded customers about the repeal. Using a real world example, Burger King highlighted the absurdity of the fast lanes and slow lanes created by the company to increase wait times for more money.

Every single customer in the video becomes furious when they find out that Burger King's new policy makes it so that they will have to wait longer for a burger. The actors playing Burger King employees calmly explain the rules as corporate policy, which still doesn't satisfy the already angered customers.

At one point the fake employees wait seconds before placing the burger into the bag, causing many of the customers to snatch the bag out of their hands.

The Federal Communications Commission repealed net neutrality back in December but the repeal still hasn't been instituted.

Without net neutrality rules, internet service providers can charge more for faster web service or even block websites from customers.

Net Neutrality Friction

While Burger King's ad may be in good fun, the repeal of net neutrality has been anything but comedic. Lawsuits have been filed against the FCC for overturning the 2015 rules. Various state attorneys-general have grouped together for a lawsuit to fight the FCC from implementing the change.

States have also introduced legislation to get around the federal rule repeal. New York introduced a bill that would prevent the state from awarding contracts to internet service providers that don't adhere to net neutrality rules. California introduced a bill that simply bans throttling and the blocking of websites.

Montana Governor Steve Bullock signed an executive law preventing the state from doing business with internet service providers that don't follow net neutrality rules.

Democrats have ordered a review of the repeal in the Senate.

The FCC's explanation for getting rid of the rules is that they were stifling innovation and were an overreach by the federal government on private companies.

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