Gamers agree that Overwatch is quite popular. Thanks to its gameplay, timely updates, regular balance changes, and its cosmetic items, which are highly sought after.
Blizzard Entertainment appears to be aware of what their fans want and is prepared to spoil them with more loot. The team-based shooter is set to receive a bunch of new items for players to customize their favorite character's appearance and other actions.
Moreover, the developer will reportedly publicly share these new items to hype up its impending release.
What's Different This Time?
Sources report that unlike previous releases, wherein players can only score the loot throughout the duration of a special event, the new prizes will be earnable via regular loot boxes. Just like the prizes that shipped with the base game, players can just play, level up, earn the boxes, and open them and hope for the best.
Only 6 more days until our cosmetics update arrives in Overwatch! Join us as we count down to their release with new item reveals every day.
Today's reveal: NEW HERO SPRAYS
by @tinysnails
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) January 17, 2018
The development team likewise made sure that the new skins are affordable for those who want to use their gold. Unlike some of the previous legendary skins, which are quite expensive, each of the new ones reportedly just cost 1,000 Gold.
A Comprehensive Preview
So far, Blizzard Entertainment already posted some of the new skins on Twitter. Currently, the developers posted 10 new skins along with the new sprays, emotes, and player icons. The official Overwatch website encourages fans to anticipate more reveals in the next few days until the new update launches on Jan. 23, 2018.
Only 4 more days until our cosmetics update arrives in Overwatch! Join us as we count down to their release with new item reveals every day. Today's reveal: NEW HERO EMOTES — Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) January 19, 2018
Among the upcoming new looks for the heroes, there are a few that have incited favorable reactions from gamers. Longtime fans of the game studio will recognize that some of the new skins are homages to different titles that were published by the developer.
New Skins And Their References
Those based on the Warcraft Franchise are Doomfist as Blackhand and Torbjorn as Magni Bronzebeard. Diablo is likewise represented with Reinhardt as the Crusader, Zarya as the Barbarian, and Roadhog as the Butcher. For Starcraft, it appears that Widowmaker is currently the only one as Nova.
Only 5 more days until our cosmetics update arrives in Overwatch! Join us as we count down to their release with new item reveals every day.
Today's reveal: ASP PHARAH (Legendary Skin)
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) January 18, 2018
The remaining five do not seem to have any game reference but look great nonetheless. Hanzo sports a Kabuki costume, Pharah parades a new armor with a snake headgear called ASP (A Snake Pharah according to insiders), Lucio goes casual with his Capoeira costume, Orisa dons an Egyptian-looking armor, and Mei with her Eco-Point costume lifted from Rise and Shine, her animated short.
Only 3 more days until our cosmetics update arrives in Overwatch! Join us as we count down to their release with new item reveals every day. Today's reveal: KABUKI HANZO (Legendary Skin) — Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) January 21, 2018
A Big Fan Service
Blizzard Entertainment's approach appears to be a big tribute to several key franchises from the studio. The upcoming Overwatch software update will not only feature the new skins and other cosmetic items but supposedly includes the newest Mercy and Junkrat PTR adjustments and the New Blizzard World map.
Only 3 more days until our cosmetics update arrives in Overwatch! Join us as we count down to their release with new item reveals every day.
Today's reveal: CAPOEIRA LúCIO (Legendary Skin)
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) January 20, 2018