Here Are 6 New Movies Playing In Theaters This Weekend

From action films to comedy and highly-anticipated suspense/thrillers, here are 6 new movies playing in theaters this weekend, including Ang Larawan, Condorito, Humor Me, Inside, My Art, and the Commuter.

6 New Movies Playing In Theaters

Ang Larawan
Directed by Loy Arcenas, Ang Larawan takes place in pre-World War II in Old Manila. Don Lorenzo Marasigan, a highly-talented painter, has been out of work for a while, so the family has been going through some financial stress. Marasigan's daughters Candida and Paula Marasigan, see the hardships of what it's like going through an artistic/financial drought.

Condorito - The Movie
Condorito (Omar Chaparro) wants to propose to his girlfriend Yayita (Jessica Cediel), but his mother-in-law Tremebunda (Coco Legrand) isn't fond of the idea. Turns out, she gets abducted by aliens, and now Condoroitos is on a mission to help save her and the world.

Humor Me
Playwright, Nate (Jemaine Clement) struggles with writer's block after his wife (Maria Dizzia) divorces him. Unable to pay the bills, Nate moves in with his father, Bob (Elliott Gould) to figure out how to deal with some of the challenges being thrown at him. Like most people, Nate tries to use humor as a way to cope with stress but it's becoming too much. Will Nate reach a breaking point?

Inside (2018)
A pregnant widow is working on starting her life over after losing her husband in a tragic accident. Bound to go into labor any day now, she receives an unexpected visit from a creepy woman with plans of "rip the child she's carrying from inside her." This suspense/thriller hits theaters on Jan. 12, 2018.

My Art
Artist Ellie Shine (Laurie Simmons) house-sits for a friend in upstate New York. Going through a midlife crisis, she does projects around the house like turning her friends barn into a new office. Mixing business with pleasure, Ellie finds herself surrounded by three local men who become romantically interested in her.

The Commuter
Businessman Michael (Liam Neeson) is on his commute home when his daily routine gets thrown off. Contacted by a mysterious stranger, Michael is forced to solve the puzzle, but if he doesn't in time, things could get deadly for fellow passengers on the train ride. Will Michael and the passengers surive this action movie?

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