How Much Water To Drink In A Day? The Answer Is Not As Simple As 8 Glasses

The question on how much water to drink in a day has long been asked, but the answer is not as simple as the most popular one.

Keeping yourself hydrated is very important, as this is necessary for functions such as providing refreshment, flushing out waste, and moving nutrients throughout the body.

8 Glasses Of Water A Day Myth

When people ask how much water they need to drink each day, the usual answer is eight glasses. This is known as the "8 x 8" rule, which is that people are recommended to drink eight glasses of 8 ounces each daily, equivalent to 64 ounces or just short of 2 liters.

However, despite the popularity of this rule, there is actually no scientific evidence that supports it. Studies have actually determined that this much water is more than necessary for healthy adults.

The problem with the "8 x 8" rule is that humans do not only hydrate by drinking water. The recommendation overlooks the fact that people also acquire water from the food they eat and the other beverages that they drink.

All the food that we eat contains varying amounts of water, and previous studies show that the average person receives 20 percent of his or her daily water intake through food. In addition, other beverages such as coffee, soda, and juice also contribute to water intake.

If the "8 x 8" rule does not take these additional sources of water into account, what rule should people follow in how much water to drink each day? Unfortunately, researchers have found that there is no simple guideline that everybody can follow.

The best method of determining how many glasses of water to drink each day is actually following your own body.

"The vast majority of healthy people adequately meet their daily hydration needs by letting thirst be their guide," said the National Academies of Sciences.

Drinking should be treated as a personal experience, with no universal rule for people to follow. Listen to your body and drink as many water as you feel are necessary to quench your thirst.

Drinking Water Quality Also Important

While the amount of water to drink each day is important, equally important is the quality of drinking water.

People should be careful not to fall into dangerous trends such as raw water, and be on the lookout for reports that point out unsafe drinking water. It is also generally best to avoid sources of public drinking water.

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