Do you have a co-worker, friend or family member who is a self-described Whovian? Do they spend countless hours watching and re-watching their favorite episodes of Doctor Who? And do you need help finding the perfect gift for that person this holiday season?
Don't worry: we've got you covered. Every Doctor Who fan will want at least one of these awesome Whovian gifts.
Doctor Who Bathroom Accessories
These bathroom accessories inspired by Doctor Who are perfect for someone with a new house or apartment who hasn't yet decorated their bathroom. Go for a TARDIS theme with this shower curtain, shower rack, bath mat and 3-piece towel set. As the Doctor says, "fantastic!" (From $24.99)
Who says babies can't express their fandom, too? This cute onesie with the phrase "Hello, my name is Stormageddon, dark lord of all" from Doctor Who season six episode 12 is perfect for the wee ones. ($13.95)
Moisturize Me Pillow
Doctor Who fans know Cassandra as the last human (sort of) at the end of the world. Why not celebrate her character with a throw pillow? Yes, this pillow is a little fluffier than the real Cassandra, but it's still begging to "moisturize me." ($35.00)
Do you have a chef in your life who also loves Doctor Who? Then you must buy them a copy of Dining With The Doctor: The Unauthorized Whovian Cookbook. With recipes from Doctor Who, such as fish fingers and custard, as well as Slitheen eggs and baked Hath. ($19.99)
Union Jack Cardigan
For the stylish gal in your life, this cardigan combines the best of both worlds: the UK flag and Doctor Who. With the Union Jack on the back and a TARDIS on the front, this will please any fashionable Doctor Who fan. ($35.00)
Doctor Who Ornaments
No Whovian's life is complete without Doctor Who ornaments adorning their Christmas tree. And these handmade glass ornaments are simply gorgeous. Featuring quotes, as well as figures familiar to Who fans, these decorations will light up the holidays with Doctor Who glee. ($85.00)
Whether its for cosplay or staying warm in the winter, the 4th Doctor's long scarf should be a staple of any Whovian's wardrobe. This specific hand-knitted scarf is about as accurate as you can find to the one worn by Tom Baker on the series. ($115.00)
Gallifreyan Companions Charm Bracelet
This beautiful handmade charm bracelet is unique in that it features the Doctor's last five companions' names, written in the Doctor's native language, Gallifreyan. ($18.95)