An in-game tradition and limited-time event revisits Destiny 2. Guardians can now enjoy "The Dawning" event as it celebrates the Traveler's awakening and more.
This holiday event for the action shooter was supposedly scheduled to launch a week before. However, due to some unforeseen problems that reportedly affected the game's playability, it was called off and scheduled a week after.
Now, Destiny 2's Guardians can finally enjoy the unique activities being added to the game world as the new event goes live on all platforms.
Winter Is Coming
As Bungie previously detailed in its announcement, players will immediately notice that the Tower and certain social spaces are filled with snow. Holiday decorations are also strewn across these areas with some patches of powder added for snowball fights.
Let it snow.
— Bungie (@Bungie) December 19, 2017
Moreover, during Strikes both Vanguard and Heroic, Guardians can likewise notice that winter has visited most of these areas. Amusingly, gamers can apparently hit enemies with snowballs to leave them stunned along with some damage.
Conditions In Order To Join The Fun
Players who have just started Destiny 2 for the first time might be surprised that "The Dawning" festivities are unavailable from the get-go. The game requires Guardians to complete the Red War campaign before they can join the celebration, reports PC Gamer.
To make it easier, gamers can ask a friend to help out during story missions to make the campaign's completion a little bit quicker and hit level 20 immediately.
Chaos In The Crucible
Players who prefer to take on other gamers online can usually participate in the Crucible game mode. Match rules are randomly selected from a number of event types like Clash, Control, Supremacy, Survival, and the newest addition called Countdown.
"The Dawning" event introduces the Mayhem modifier for the first time in Destiny 2. Guardians can wreak havoc in the Crucible as grenades, melee abilities, class abilities, and supers recover at a much faster rate, GameSpot detailed.
Exclusive Gear
Guardians are given more reasons to grind as Eververse offers special armor while the event lasts. Completing weekly milestones rewards players with Dawning Engrams, which can randomly drop exclusive items. Everyone is encouraged to participate in various activities in order to increase their chances to earn unique loot.
Tomorrow. Snow is in the forecast for the world of Destiny 2, starting at approximately 9AM (Pacific). — Bungie (@Bungie) December 18, 2017
Gift Giving
The holiday event also introduces a gifting mechanic that allows players to give vendors gifts and receive one in return. Sadly, this feature only works on select NPCs and not with other players.
Destiny 2 players can enjoy the limited-time event until Jan. 9, 2018. More updates are in store for the shooter as Bungie follows its update roadmap to further improve the gameplay.