Woman Who Posed With 20,000 Bees On Her Belly In Viral Maternity Shoot Suffers Stillbirth

The pregnant woman in the viral maternity photo shoot who had 20,000 bees cover her baby bump now mourns the loss of her child.

No Heartbeat

Emily Mueller, revealed in a post on Facebook that doctors could not find a heartbeat for her baby she named Emersyn just days before he was due.

The 33-year-old said that she was busy preparing for an upcoming event that she had not paid attention to the baby's movement. She later realized that she had not felt her baby move much, and she had contractions that seemed different from those that she had before.

She and her husband, along with their three children, then went to the hospital. It was there that the doctor confirmed that she lost her baby. The nurses and the doctor on call informed her they could not find a heartbeat.

She related how she felt about being induced and delivering the stillborn child. She said that she feels better when she shares her experience.

Symbol Of Death And Start Of New Life

Mueller already had other earlier miscarriages in the past. In fact, the reason why she was inspired to do the photoshoot with the bees is that honeybees symbolize death and the start of a new life.

"It was our second miscarriage and we were trying to get pregnant," Mueller said. "I wanted to find an outlet for that emotion. That's where everything fell into place for me — when honeybees entered into my life."

The photo that went viral in April, features Mueller, a beekeeper, holding a queen bee in her hands and a swarm of honeybees covering her baby bump. She said that she was stung three times during the photoshoot but experienced no apparent side effects.

"I never once thought there would be issues," Mueller said. "I am stung pretty regularly. I'm very aware of how my body responds when I get stung."

Cause Of Stillbirth

Mueller said that doctors are not certain what caused the stillbirth, but they are waiting for results of the test. Nonetheless, she thinks it happened possibly due to a blood-clotting issue.

"If my intuition serves me right, I have a very strong feeling that this was a blood clotting issue as those traits have been affecting our immediate family for some time," Mueller said. "My next of kin have suffered miscarriages due to this disorder so it would make sense we could go through it as well. It may not be confirmed to be so but in my deepest thoughts, I feel it to be true."

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