Is There Life On Mars? Man Claims Of Past Life On Red Planet

A Russian man with advanced skills shares his past life on Mars. His claims leave some experts puzzled and conspiracy theorists hopeful.

For several years, life outside Earth piqued the interest of many. Some even have plans of building a Mars Science City within a century.

However, recent claims of a man who lived on Mars in his past life may seem bizarre and interesting.

The Story Of The Man From Mars

The 21-year-old Boriska Kipriyanovich from Volgograd, Russia said that he was a citizen of the Red Planet before he came to Earth, adding a nuclear war occurred that destroyed everything. He also said that life still exists on Mars.

"People like us still live there. There was a nuclear war between them. Everything burnt down," said Kipriyanovich in an interview. "Only some of them survived. They built shelters and created new weapons."

Kipriyanovich also said that he communicated with ancient Egyptians and traveled to Earth, even offering details about unlocking the Great Sphinx of Giza and its potential to change the Earth drastically.

For his parents, Kipriyanovich's claims have weight since he exhibited advanced skills at a young age. His mother shared that his son talked months after he was born. Adding that during his growing up years, he would have detailed information about Mars and the planetary systems even without anyone teaching him.

The previous report about alien towers spotted on Mars seems to put weight on Kipriyanovich' statements.

Can Mars Indeed Support Life?

Earlier this year, researchers previously reported some of the chemicals present on Martian soil, when exposed to radiation, are too toxic to support life. However, a recent paper suggested that microorganisms survived underneath the surface of the Red Planet for millions of years. This new development seems to support the presence of extraterrestrial life.

The scientists wanted to look at the response of microbes with gamma radiation. Since this radiation can be potentially dangerous for the Red Planet, the team mimicked the Martian setting in a low-temperature and low-pressure climate chamber.

They observed that, even after the radiation, the microorganisms withstood the dehydrated conditions and even retained their metabolic activity. They also noted that as the microbes would go deeper; their exposure to radiation is lesser — enabling them to survive at greater depths. Organisms about 16 feet down have the potential to survive for as much as 20 million years.

"The results of the study indicate the possibility of prolonged cryoconservation of viable microorganisms in the Martian regolith," explained study coauthor Vladimir S. Cheptsov, a post-graduate student at the Lomonosov MSU Faculty of Soil Science, Department of Soil Biology. "The data obtained can also be applied to assess the possibility of detecting viable microorganisms at other objects of the Solar System and within small bodies in outer space."

The paper was published in Extremophiles on Nov. 8.

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