Bethesda’s New Ad For ‘Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus’ Suggests Nazis Should Be Punched In The Face

There is an infinite number of unexplainable things in the universe. What would terraforming Mars be like? Where did humans really evolve from? Why is there something instead of nothing? Why are there neo-Nazis?

That last one is a difficult question, for which there might not even be a compelling answer — but Bethesda is dealing with it the best way it knows how: via its proudly anti-Nazi game, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Showcases Nazi Punching

Bethesda's upcoming game is set in a world where Nazis have taken global control after winning the second World War. It focuses on a band of underground rebels who try all their might to revolt and take down the Nazi-infested world one punch at a time, as Bleeding Cool points out.

This is pretty clear on Bethesda's' newest spot for the game, which it shared on Twitter Monday, Oct. 16. The short video begins with "If you are a Nazi," followed by a slow motion first-person shot of someone punching who appears to be swastika-wearing Nazi soldier in the face. The video ends with "GTFO."

It brings up the Nazi punching debate that started last year when a man punched known White Supremacist Richard Spencer in the face on camera, after which the world reacted in various ways. The debate eventually ended in two sides: either yes, Nazis should be punched in the face, or no, Nazis should receive sympathy. It was perhaps a lackluster attempt at solving one of the most perplexing modern riddles of a developed society, but it was also a clear way of knowing which side people were on.

For Bethesda, that much is clear.

"There is only one side. #NoMoreNazis #Wolf2," the company captioned the tweet accompanied with the video in question.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

This is only one of Bethesda's controversial ads for the game, however. Earlier this October some users took issue with the company's official slogan for the game, "Make America Nazi-Free Again," attacking Bethesda for pushing an anti-Nazi message. Bethesda didn't back down. Pete Hines, Bethesda's PR and Marketing VP, defended the game's message, saying anti-Nazism has always been the core concept of the game.

"Wolfenstein has been a decidedly anti-Nazi series since the first release more than 20 years ago. We aren't going to shy away from what the game is about," Hines said in an interview with

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus launches Oct. 27 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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